BONUS DAY!!! Everyone starts off with 1000 POINTS!
"40 days" that the Catholic Church recognizes as a preparation time before Easter.
What is Lent?
A time to gather with other believers and celebrate the Eucharist.
1) Monday only between 2 and 2:15
2) Mass
3) Roti
4) Breakfast
What is Mass?
The act of communicating to God, whether in private or with a community.
1) Phone call
2) Sinning
3) Prayer
4) Donations
What is Prayer?
The day before Ash Wednesday.
1) Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday)
2) Lundi Gras
3) Vendredi Gras
4) Marty McGraw
What is Fat Tuesday?
The three days before Easter.
2) Thurfrisat
3) Frisatsun
3) Holy Trinity
What is the Triduum?
Abstaining from food or drink for spiritual purposes.
What is fasting?
Praying before the Blessed Sacrament.
1) Adoration
2) Application
3) Auto-deposit
What is Adoration?
The Book that contains a collection of texts and scriptures on which Christianity is based, in addition to tradition.
1) Psalms
2) The Bible
3) Library
4) Readings and Gospels
What is the Bible?
+500 on top of correctlly answered question points
Last year's palms are burned to create this substance.
1) Ashes
2) Candle Wicks
3) Ear Wax
4) Sand
Lent ends on this day:
1) Holy Friday
2) Holy Thursday
3) Happy Thursday
4) Fat Tuesday - Mardi Gras!
What is Holy Thursday?
+500 on top of correctlly answered question points
Giving or donating of one's time, or resources, or financially.
1) Barter
2) Trade
3) Almsgiving
4) Almond Giving
What is almsgiving?
A Sacrament, when you share your sins with a priest and you receive forgiveness of your sins.
1) Confession/Reconciliation
2) Tattling
3) Throwing Shade
4) Sinlessness
What is Confession/Reconciliation?
Natural ability or quality that can be shared with the Church community.
1) Talent or skill
2) Weakness
3) Energy
4) Salvation
What is talent?
Ashes are made in this sign on foreheads.
1) Palm Leaves
2) The Cross
3) Jesus
4) Apostles
What is the cross?
Traditionally, meat is not allowed on this day.
1) Thursday
2) Friday
3) Sunday
4) Saturday
What is Friday?
A person who shares God's love with the people around them.
1) Missionary/saint
2) Sinners
3) Tax collectors
What is a missionary/saint?
The prayer that Jesus taught his disciples.
1) Hail Mary
2) Apostle's Creed
3) Our Father
What is the "Our Father"
A settlement or solution, usually made at New Year's, but also at Lent.
1) Resolution
2) Rescue-ation
3) Resting Station
4) Swimming Pool
What is a resolution?
Ashes represent and remind us that we are _____ on Ash Wednesday.
1) Dust
2) Rust
3) Must
4) Trust
What is dust?
The Lord's Passion - Stations of the Cross - is re-enacted on this day:
1) Good Friday
2) Holy Thursday
3) Ash Wednesday
4) Fat Tuesday
What is Good Friday?
The place where Christians go to worship God together.
1) Pope's council
2) City Hall
3) Synagogue
4) Parish/Church
What is a parish/church?
An "Act of Contrition" is an expression of sorrow for one's sins; it is usually said after a confession is made.
The answer is true
The number of weeks in Lent.
1) 4
2) 5
3) 6
4) 40
What is 6?
BONUS DAY!!! Give everyone 1000 points!
1) Mardi Gras
2) Easter
3) Fall
What is Mardi Gras?
Jesus rises from the dead in the dark of the night at what mass?
1) Easter Candle
2) Easter Village
3) Easter Lily
4) Easter Vigil
What is the Easter vigil?