The first day of Lent
Ash Wednesday
The first day of Holy Week
Palm Sunday
How many Stations are there in the stations of the cross?
We do not say this word during Lent masses
The Lord's Passion is reenacted on this day.
Good Friday
As Catholics, we are asked to do these 3 things during Lent.
Pray, fast, and give alms.
He gave Jesus up to the soldiers for 30 pieces of silver.
How many times does Jesus fall throughout the stations?
3 times
Colors of the vestments during Lent.
Lent ends on this day.
Holy Thursday
We remember Jesus' time where during Lent.
The desert
What were the disciples doing in the Garden of Gethsemane that disappointed Jesus?
At the Fifth Station someone eventually helps Jesus with carrying of the cross.
Who is Simon of Cyrene
This candle is lit at the Easter Vigil and burns for the entire liturgical year.
Paschal Candle
What was put on Jesus' head?
crown of thorns
What is the season of Lent meant to be a time for?
Preparation and repentance.
City where Jesus travelled to fulfill His mission.
Who asks Pilate for Jesus' body?
Joseph of Arimathea
This is the day when Alleluia is said again.
No meat is allowed on this day.
Friday and Ash Wednesday
What did the people put in the streets when Jesus rode into Jerusalem.
Palm branches and cloaks
Jesus did this action to His apostles at the Last Supper to show how he was there to serve them too.
Washing their feet.
Who is the only Apostle to be present at the Crucifixion?
John the Beloved.
This is the Mass where RCIA candidates become Catholic.
Easter Vigil
On this day Jesus gave us the sacraments of Holy Orders and the Eucharist.
Holy Thursday (the Last Supper)