I was Homecoming Queen
Mrs. Larson
I was born in India.
Mr. Baxter
I was a TV producer for CNN for 13 years.
Mrs. Gilbert
4-generations of my family attended Holy Rosary.
Mrs. Averbeck
I like to cliff-jump off of waterfall tops!
Ms. Baker
My team won a state championship!
Mr. Lindell
I love ziplining, especially in Jamaica and Costa Rica.
Mrs. Hill
I once caught and held a shark as tall as me.
Mrs. Jirava
I have sisters and nieces that are twins.
Mrs. Woytassek
I once owned a cow pet named, Furry!
Mrs. Aligada
I was a Laker Cheerleader!
Mrs. Averbeck
I have visited Greece 3 times.
Mrs. Andersen
I am a Boundary Waters Canoe Area guide and outfitter!
Mr. Lindell
I have twin grandsons.
Mr. or Mrs. Lindell
I can talk using American Sign Language!
Miss Lyman
I was the third fastest half-miler in the nation in 1973-1974.
Mrs. Anderson
I spent my 16th birthday in France.
Mrs. Gilbert
Mrs. Lindell
My uncle has a baseball field named after him and was just inducted into the Minnesota State High School Baseball Coaches Hall of Fame.
Mrs. Buntje
I have rescued and released to the wild, 2 whitetail deer fawns.
Ms. Anderson
I had Mrs. Larson as my 6th grade teacher.
Miss Lyman
I have visited Rome.
Miss Buntje
I write children's books!
Mrs. Jenson
My brother works at Walt Disney World!
Mrs. Woytassek
I have a dog named, Gnome.
Mr. Baxter