The Three Divine Persons are this.
A communion of perfect love and peace.
By being a community of love and care we are following the example of who.
The three Divine Persons
The Church works to transform our world into a loving community where people do these things.
Respect one another and share the Earth's goods.
People need food, shelter, clothing and health care, but they also need these.
Respect, freedom and life-giving relationships.
Giving a hungry person food is this.
To work to meet people's immediate physical needs is this.
This is a respect for all creation and for human rights that allows people to get what they need to live in dignity.
Social justice
Working together to solve the underlying causes of hunger is this.
Because we are part of Christ's Body we should respond to another's pain with this.
St. Paul tells us we are Christ's this.
Working for the common good means all people, as either individuals or groups, are given this to fulfill all their needs of their family.
Catholic this teaching tells us we all have a duty to work together for the common good.
Although local, state, and national governments must work for the common good, we also need to organize society to work for justice on this level.
These people should have fair wages, the right to join unions, and the ability to start their own businesses.
All creation.
This begins with respect for human life and dignity.
Our moral vision of society
This is to see how our poorest and weakest, or most vulnerable, members are doing.
A good test for our society
This grows bigger every day and is sinful.
The gap between rich and poor
This must get involved when people's rights or well being are being threatened.
The Church
This means we share material goods, friendship, and prayers with others, especially those in need.
Living in solidarity