End of Life Issues
Social Justice Issues
Textbook Reading Definitions
Unquestioned Authority Reading

Who do we believe is talking to us through our conscience? 

God and the Holy Spirit


What is ordinary care?

Care that offers a reasonable hope of benefit and does not entail an excessive burden on the patient or family


Name two social justice movements. 

BLM, Me too, Time's up, Civil rights, LGBTQ, Idle no more, etc. 


What is idolatry? 

extreme admiration, love, or reverence for something or someone or worshipping idols


What is unquestioned authority? 

Doing something because authority or someone else told you to without asking questions


Name 3 groups/things/people that assist in forming our conscience. 

Family, friends, community, personal experiences, advice from others, religious community, media, gifts of the Holy Spirit 

What is extraordinary care? 

•Care that, in the judgment of the PATIENT, does not offer a reasonable hope of benefit or imposes “excessive burden”.


What is social justice? 

Justice in terms of the distribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a society


What is Decalogue? 

10 Commandments 


What is the KKK against? 

African Americans 

What do the seven catholic social teachings call for? 

Justice for all


Name two requirements in order to receive MAID.  

•Be eligible for government-funded health insurance in Canada;

•Be 18 years of age or older;

•Have made a voluntary request for MAID that was not made as a result of external pressure;

•Have a serious and incurable illness, disease, or disability;

•Be in an advanced state of irreversible decline in capability;

•Endure physical and psychological suffering that is intolerable to them; and

•Their natural death has become reasonably foreseeable.

•Patients must also be capable of providing informed consent at the time that MAID is provided.


What is the difference between equity and equality?

Equity is giving everyone what they need in order to be successful. Equality would be giving everyone the same, regardless of where they stand. 


Define ONE of the following words: 

1. Concupiscence 

2. Catechism

3. Pentateuch

1. The tendency of all human beings toward sin, as a result of Original Sin.

2. A popular summary, usually in book form, of Catholic doctrine about faith and morals and commonly intended for use within formal programs of catechesis.

3. A Greek word meaning “Five books” – referring to the first five books of the Old Testament


Why did Manson target famous film director, Paul Romanski's home? 

He wanted target Hollywood elite and the showbiz community for rejecting him. 


What are the Beatitudes and what can we achieve by living them? 

Blessings and we can achieve true happiness 


Name the three reasons a human life can be taken (morally). 

 1. Self-Defense

 2. By a soldier in a JUST war

 3. By the state as just punishment for a crime


Pick one of the principles of social justice and explain it 

Answers will differ


Define ONE of the following terms: 

1. Culture of Death 

2. Culture of Life

1. A society that does not hold human life sacred in all its stages - creates structures of sin that allow human life to be attached when its more vulnerable 

2. A society that holds all life sacred, from conception to natural death - build social structure that protect and defend human life in all its stages. 

Explain what the idea behind Heaven's Gate is and what happened. 

Alien spacecraft would bring them to Heaven so they all killed themselves to that they could be taken into the spacecraft 


Name and explain TWO of the 5 symptoms of a misinformed conscience. 

Rationalization: Action of attempting to explain or justify behavior with logical reasons, even if these are not appropriate.

Trivialization: The act of making something seem less important, serious, difficult, etc. than it really is. Misinformation: Misinformation is false or inaccurate information that is communicated regardless of an intention to deceive

Ends justify the immoral ways: The act is immoral, but you use the reasoning for committing the act to make it sound okay

Means to an end:The act is committed because it would lead to the end of something, regardless of the damage it may cause.


Name four requirements for a war to be considered "just".

Just cause, lawfully declared by a lawful authority, intention behind the war must be good, all other ways of resolving the problem should have been tried first, there must be a reasonable chance of success, the means used must be in proportion to the end that the war seeks to achieve, innocent people and non-combatants should not be harmed.


Name all 5 of the principles of Social Justice 

Access, Diversity, Participation, Equity and Human Rights 


Define TWO of the following terms: 

1. Eternal law

2. Moral law

3. Natural law

1. Reflects God’s will and purpose - always true and never changes

2. Reflects wisdom, it is the teaching that leads us to the blessed life he wants for us.

3. It is our God-given instinct to be in right relationship with God, other people, the world and ourselves


Name the consequences of unquestioned authority for all three cults 

KKK - people died, some were arrested 

Manson - people died and many of his members were arrested 

Heaven's Gate - they all died 
