Catholic Saints
Catholic History

This saint, known as the patron of lost causes, shares his name with the man who betrayed Jesus.

Who is St. Jude


This sacrament is tied to the Levitical priesthood of the Old Testament, where priests offered sacrifices, but in the New Covenant, it represents the eternal priesthood of Christ as both priest and victim.

What is Holy Orders?


This type of prayer, common in the monastic tradition, involves reading a passage of Scripture multiple times, meditating on it, and entering into dialogue with God. It is known by a Latin term meaning “divine reading.”

What is Lectio Divina?


This significant event in 1054 led to the split between the Western Church (Roman Catholic) and the Eastern Church (Orthodox), primarily over theological and political disagreements.

What is the Great Schism?


This sacred object of a saint is often venerated in churches and shrines and is believed to hold special spiritual significance and power for intercessions.

What is a relic?


This saint, who lived in Italy, is known for receiving the stigmata and is the patron of those suffering from pain and illness.

Who is St. Padre Pio


This sacrament can only be performed by bishops or priests, but in cases of emergency, any lay person can validly administer it.

What is baptism?


This form of contemplative prayer was popularized by the 16th-century mystics St. Teresa of Ávila and St. John of the Cross, focusing on the direct experience of God’s presence.

What is mental prayer (or contemplative prayer). 


This council, held in 1962-1965, brought significant reforms to the Catholic Church, including changes to the liturgy and improved relations with other religions.

What is the Second Vatican Council?


The patron saint of the environment and ecology, with his feast day celebrated on October 4th.

Who is Saint Francis of Assisi?


This saint, the patron of travelers, is often depicted carrying the Christ child across a river.

Who is St. Christopher?


During the Middle Ages, this sacrament was celebrated in a ritual that included the presentation of a bishop’s mitre and crosier, symbolizing their union as a “domestic church.”

What is matrimony?


This prayer, said in the morning and evening recalls the Incarnation of Christ through the words of the angel Gabriel. 

What is the Angelus?


This significant event in 1215 established the doctrine of transubstantiation, affirming the belief that bread and wine become the body and blood of Christ during Mass.

What is the Fourth Lateran Council?


This type of music, often associated with the liturgy, became prominent during the Middle Ages and includes forms such as Gregorian chant, characterized by its monophonic and unaccompanied style

What is Gregorian Chant?


This saint, a Doctor of the Church, is known for her mystical writings, including The Interior Castle, and was instrumental in the reform of the Carmelite order.

Who is St. Teresa of Avila?


In the early Church, this sacrament was often delayed until adulthood due to the serious commitment it represented, and catechumens would prepare for it through a rigorous period of fasting and instruction. 

What is Confirmation?


This ancient Christian prayer, known as ___ has been recited by Eastern Christians for centuries as a means of meditative prayer. It consists of the words, “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner

What is the Jesus prayer?


This document, issued by Pope Leo XIII in 1891, addressed the rights of workers and the dignity of labor, marking a significant moment in Catholic social teaching.

What is Rerum Novarum?


This Marian devotion, characterized by the recitation of prayers, hymns, and the offering of flowers, is often practiced in May, the month dedicated to honoring the Virgin Mary.

What is May crowning?


This saint, one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers, is invoked against throat diseases and is known for saving a child from choking on a fishbone.

Who is St. Blaise


According to the Council of Trent, this sacrament is efficacious ex opere operato, meaning that it confers grace by the very action performed independent of the worthiness of the minister. 

What is the Eucharist?


This term describes the practice of using specific prayers or forms of prayer, such as novenas or litanies, during particular seasons of the liturgical year to deepen one’s spiritual life.

What is devotional prayer?


This 16th-century movement aimed at reforming abuses in the Catholic Church led to the establishment of Protestant denominations and significant changes in Catholic practices.

What is the Protestant Reformation?


This title given to Mary, often referred to as the “Star of the Sea,” emphasizes her role as a guiding light for Christians on their journey of faith.

What is Stella Maris?
