A symbol of the Holy Spirit
Water, wind, fire, a dove, or anointing with oil
Bare Minimum Requirement for how often Catholics must attend Mass (unless they have a serious reason, such as illness, not to attend)
Every Sunday
The Divine Author of the Bible
The Holy Spirit
The Holy Trinity means:
God is One, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Three Persons in One God.
Patron Saint of Animals
St. Francis
The ordinary minister of the Sacrament of Confirmation (i.e. what person gives someone the Sacrament of Confirmation?)
A Bishop
The major event(s) in Jesus' life that we celebrate at every Mass
Jesus' death and resurrection.
The Bible is divided into two main sections
Old Testament and New Testament
The Ascension
When Jesus ascended into heaven
The Patron Saint of our Parish
St. Emily
The person who stands with you and promises to help mentor you in your faith as you are confirmed
Your Sponsor
Catholics are required to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation at least...
Once a year
The Four Gospels in a Catholic Bible
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
The Assumption
The foster-father of Jesus
St. Joseph
A Charism
A spiritual gift (of the Holy Spirit) given to us for the building up of God's Church
Catholics over the age of 18 are required to fast on which 2 days of the year?
Ash Wednesday and Good Friday
The writer of the Acts of the Apostles
The Feast of Pentecost
The feast, normally 50 days after Easter, where we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and Mary.
The first millennial saint (patron of the internet)
The 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit
Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel (or Right Judgement), Fortitude (or Courage), Knowledge, Piety (or Reverence), Fear of the Lord (Or Wonder and Awe)?
The 5 Holy Days of Obligation in the United States in addition to every Sunday.
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Aug. 15) Christmas Day (Dec. 25), All Saints Day (Nov. 1), Immaculate Conception (Dec. 8), Mary Mother of God (Jan. 1).
10 books of the Bible
The immaterial part of humans that exists even after the body dies.
The first pope
St. Peter