First Grade
Second Grade
Third Grade
Fourth Grade
5th and 6th Grade
The state of permanent perfection, happiness and union with God for eternity. (CCC 326, 1023-1029)
What is Heaven
The prayer for the forgiveness of sin prayed by the priest over the penitent in the Sacrament of Penance. (CCC 1441-1442, 1449)
What is Absolution?
One of the four marks of the Church that means the roots of the Church can be traced to the apostles; also the charge of the Church to bring the good news of salvation to the world. (CCC 857)
What is Apostolic?
The charitable actions by which we help others in need; they include: feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, visit the sick, visit the imprisoned, ransom the captive, bury the dead.
What are the Corporal Works of Mercy?
A liturgical solemnity commemorating the angel Gabriel announcing to Mary that she was to be the mother of the Son of God; first Joyful Mystery of the Rosary. (CCC 484)
What is the Annunciation?
A gift from God that helps us to respond to his call. (CCC 1996-2005)
What is Grace?
A Sacrament of Healing given to a member of the faithful who is seriously ill or elderly, or preparing for surgery. (CCC 1511-1513)
What is Anointing of the Sick?
The gathering of the whole Church of Christ; those on earth, in purgatory and those in heaven. (CCC 946-948, 954)
What is the Communion of Saints?
The efforts among all Christians to promote and bring about the fulfillment of Christ‟s will for the unity of his followers. (CCC 820-822)
What is Ecumenism?
God's desire and guidance to have his creation return to be with him forever in heaven; God‟s protection over creation. (CCC 302)
What is God's Providence?
The supreme being who is, was, and always will be; the creator of heaven and earth; one God in three persons; first person of the Trinity. (CCC 199-221)
Who is God?
The highest of the three degrees of the sacrament of ordination; the bishop is appointed by the Pope to be the leader and teacher of a particular diocese. (CCC 886)
What is the Bishop?
The first of the three degrees of ordination in the sacrament of Holy Orders; a person ordained for ministry of the Word, and service in the Church. (CCC 1554, 1569-1571)
What is Deacon?
The dwelling of Satan; a permanent state of misery and separation from God. (CCC 1033-1037)
What is Hell?
Men who are ordained in the Sacrament of Holy Orders for the service of God and the Church. (CCC 1562-1568)
What is Clergy?
The first parents of the human race created in God‟s own image and likeness; God gave them charge of all creation. (CCC 369-379, 399)
Who are Adam and Eve?
One of the four marks of the Church that means it is universal; the Church has been sent out by Christ on a mission to the whole human race. (CCC 830-831)
What is Catholic?
One of the four marks of the Church that means it is holy because Jesus is holy; members of the Church through Baptism participate in the holiness of Jesus Christ. (CCC 823-829)
What is Holy?
A term used to denote ten; i.e., ten "Hail Mary's" in a decade of the Rosary.
What is Decade?
The rope-like belt worn by a priest or altar server around the alb.
What is cincture?
"A man and a woman united in marriage, together with their children, form a family;” the basic unit of society. (CCC 2202, 2204-2206)
What is the Family?
Sorrow for sin; one of the four purposes of prayer. (CCC 1451-1454)
What is Contrition?
The prayer in every sacrament in which the priest asks God the Father to send down the Holy Spirit; i.e., at Baptism, prayer over the water; at Confirmation, prayer over the candidates; at Eucharist, the prayer over the bread and wine. (CCC 1105)
What is the Epiclesis?
A formal agreement; in religious terms, it is a special promise made between God and his people; once God makes this promise, he never breaks it. (CCC 62, 1961-1974)
What is a covenant?
The covered container for the consecrated host, the Body of Christ; it is reserved in the tabernacle.
What is ciborium?