Pro Rata
What is "from the rate"
Pro Bono
What is "for good". Professional work done for free.
What is so on and so forth
Mens Rea
What is guilty mind
What is Italian
Pro forma
As a matter of form.
Modus Operandi
What is manner of operation. "M.O"
Actus Rea
What is action/conduct that constitutes part of a crime.
What is German.
Persona non gratta
What is unwelcome person
Post Mortem
What is after death. Often refers to the autopsy.
What is "as if". Resembling or being similar to something without actually being that thing.
Habeas Corpus
What is present the body. (Used to ensure an accused in brought before a justice).
What is Gaelic
Per capita
What is "by the head".
Caveat emptor
What is buyer beware.
Bona Fide
What is sincere good intention regardless of outcome.
Ex Parte
What is "for one party" . Usually seen in cases such as a temporary restraining order or pending a an actual hearing.
What is Hebrew
Per se
What is "by itself".
Et Al
What is "and others".
Inter Vivos
What is "between the living". Refers to an obligation between (ie gift or sale) that must take place while the members of the agreement are living. (opposite of a Will)
In Camera
What is "in private". No public or press allowed.
Bastardized Russian.