What is the correct term for a mature, uncastrated male bovine that is part of the Bos taurus species
Which cattle breed has an outer coat is long and coarse and the undercoat is soft and thick?
Scotch Highland
Which breed did Christopher Columbus brought cattle of Spanish origin to Mexico in 1493; 200 years later, descendants of these cattle were brought to Texas?
Texas Longhorn
Which breed works well in crossbreeding by giving polledness, dark pigment and mothering ability
About how much does the dairy industry contribute to the GDP?
$752 Billion
What does it mean to be a POLLED calf?
The original wild strains of cattle were horned. Polledness is a genetic mutation that causes animals within a horned cattle breed to not develop horns.
Which breed is 1/2 Brahman, 1/4 Shorthorn and 1/4 Hereford?
Beef Master
This breed of cattle was imported to Mexico in1930 and The King Ranch introduced them to the United States
Which breed works well in crossbreeding by giving polledness, dark pigment and mothering ability ?
Red Angus
What is considered the oldest of the dairy cattle breeds?
Brown Swiss
What do breed associations do?
Cattle breed associations are organizations that promote and support specific breeds of cattle. They track pedigrees, store data, and provide services to the cattle industry.
What breed is known to be aggressive and fight with each other?
Which Breed is 5/8 Simmental and 3/8 Brahman?
Which breed is used in crossbreeding for adding height and size to terminal cattle?
What is considered as a dual purpose breed for the dairy industry and meat industry?
Milking Shorthorn
What are 3 breeds known to fall under "British" cattle?
Angus / Hereford / Shorthorn
What breed was first registered under the name "Brahmental"
What breed is known to have "white on the underline, flank crest, breast, switch and below the knee and hock"
Polled Hereford
Which breed has the percentage required purebred is 1/2 Red Angus x 1/4 Hereford x 1/4 Red and White Holstein ?
How many months does the lactation period last?
10 months
What is another word known for "Exotic" cattle and name 3 breeds?
Charolais / Limousin / Simmental
Which breed is known to have "great marketability to health-conscious consumers due to their meat containing 1 percent saturated fat"
Belted Galloway
Which breed is known for "dual purpose breed in France; is suggested to use them as a terminal sire breed, although some breeders use them as the dam due to their maternal characteristics"
Which breed is known for it's long body, hide and meat?
What is homogenization do?
Break down the fat molecules for a smooth texture.