A person with two broken arms trying to signal the waiter
The optimal time to start your lawn mower on a saturday
5:30-7:00 am
Simon says say Simon says simon
Simon says simon
What type of animle is a shark
(Points vary on specifics)
fish, cartilaginous fish in the class Chondrichthyes, Chondrichthyes
Players gain bonus streak points for question in a row answered correct
(For the 100 points for this question name 5 mammals)
A hill billy Spanish teacher
What is said when someone changes channel after you fall asleep
Hey no I was watching that, or loud fart to ward them off
Simone says touch you teeth unless your Daniel then run to the treadmill and back
Mwah ha ha! Tricked again you incompetent fetus of a human, you are tricked as if a child of an orangatang, the people shun you as you walk with sorrow guilt as no pitty may cast apon thee.
Do pelicans have teeth
no and they never will
For the rest of the game, refer to everyone as jim bob, if not loose 100 points
(For question points, who is the 11th presidant of the united states)
Oh no its james k pualk
An ad for the all new taco bell item the infinity layer beef burrito
Your five year old son doesnt give you a beer what is the correct thing to do
Simon says talk like Sherlock Holmes until someone gets a question wrong
Do it
How many species are there
For bonus points name all of them
I genuinely couldnt find a straight answer so if you sound correct enough it right
The person with the last points will always receive 200 bonus points for each question, thr person with the most points loses 100 points when they get a question wrong, this will change as different people become the highest and lowest point people.
(For question points, what is the name of tourchered soul beneath the stairs)
Hambone t funkyzone III
The "life of the party" that nobody invited at the vampire ball
How long is the average home depot trip
1 hour for each item, 5 hours, till your kneecaps bleed, till the sawdust become one with your skin, till youve gone deaf for the lights, or once you can find your way out
Simon says if your points are more than the other two contestants points combined minus 300 hold up thr lowest scoring person until they get a question right
Come on do it you scumbag
Scientific name for a parrot
Psittaciformes, smart parrot
COMMUNISM. Change the two lowest scoring players scires into an average of all the scores
(For point question which president kept a pet alligator in a bathtub)
John Quincy Adams
(Do this with the person to your right) an interviewer whos bad at making relavent follow up questions
The world spins backwards if snails didnt exist
What is thr minimum blood loss amount for super bowl sunday
1/2 liter
Simon says touch every painting in the house (note painting)
You know you want to
Identify this skull (sent with link)
Spin the wheel