What animal was this island named after?
What's your favourite animal that you've seen on your trip so far?
What's the best food you've had on island so far?
What country does the top corner of the flag represent?
The United Kingdom
Who is a significant historical figure associated with discovering the Cayman Islands
Christopher Columbus
What is a colourful bird that is endemic to this island?
The Cayman Parrot
What is a native plant that has edible fruits on it?
Mango, Papaya, Coconut, etc.
Name one of the two animals on the flag?
Turtle and/or Lion
What were traditional Cayman roofs made of?
Thatch from the silver thatch palm.
What reptile faced near-extinction in the early 2000s?
The Blue Iguana
What fruit was commonly brought over from Jamaica?
What is the motto written on the flag?
He hath founded it upon the seas!
What are the three islands that make up the Cayman Islands
Grand Cayman, Little Cayman, and Cayman Brac
What is the only mammal native to the Cayman Islands?
Can you name some other foods that the island is known for?
Swanky, fish, turtle, conch, etc
How many stars are on the Cayman Flag? What do they represent?
There are three, one for each island.