
When inside the classroom what are two things you can do to make sure you and your classmates are safe? 

Keep hands, feet and body to yourself, Use materials appropriately, Follow classroom rules


How should students enter the area when getting their lunch trays? 

Students should be at a level zero, and only touch the tray that they are going to take. 


What is one way that you can be responsible inside the classroom when doing assignments? 

Give your best effort, making sure to put your name on your paper, ask for help if you need it or have a question. 


How should you enter the classroom if you leave and come back? 

Quietly without causing a distraction 


Sammy is walking backwards down the hall and playing on his Chromebook, this is not following the hallway safety rules. What should he be doing instead? 

He should walk forward and close his Chromebook until he gets to his class. 


How should you react when your team/ you lose at a game during recess/encore? 

Be kind even when your team does not win, Be respectful with your words and actions


How can you be responsible when in the restroom? 

Wash hands properly with soap, Clean up after yourself and leave the restroom clean, Get in and get out don't waste time. 


After lunch what should you do before entering the class, and once you are in class? 

Use the restroom, sharpen your pencil and sit down and work on something quietly. 


What are 3 rules you should always follow when out on the playground or outside for recess? 

Line up as soon as the whistle blows, Be where you are supposed to be, play nicely, use equipment correctly  


How can you be respectful when in the restroom? Give 3 ways 

Use a Level 1 voice, Give others privacy, Wait your turn patiently, make sure to flush 


The lights in the cafeteria have been turned off what should you do? 

Lights out means silence, and listen to the person talking. When the lights turn back on you can talk again. 


When at lunch or in the hallway do we ask for mints from Mr. Chris? 

No,  you do not ask for mints from Mr. Chris he will offer you a mint. 


In order to continue to sit with who you want on the bus what rules MUST you follow?

Remain seated, Keep your body in your space, Keep your things out of the aisles, Face forward


How can you be respectful when inside the classroom? Give 2 ways 

Use a voice level appropriate for the task, Follow directions the first time given, Be  kind with your word and actions to all adults and peers, 


How can you be responsible when going outside for recess/ the playground? What 3 things should you do? 

Dress for the weather, Return equipment, Tell the teacher on duty when someone is unsafe do not wait until you return inside. 


How can you make sure we keep our school and classroom clean? 

Pick up after myself, throw all trash in the trash can


Jimmy is climbing on the bathroom stall doors, and swinging on them. What rules is he breaking, and what should he do differently? 

He is not being safe by climbing on the stall doors, Jimmy shouldn't do that and use the restroom and get back to class. 


When in the hallway how can you be respectful to the school and other students? 

Staying Silent, Wait for other classes, Open and close lockers quietly, not touching the walls or artwork. 


What thigs should you do in the morning when you get to school/classroom? 

1. Get breakfast if you want it before coming into the room.

2. Put your bag in locker

3. Mark your lunch choice

4. Get morning work and work on it 

5. Sharpen pencil and make sure to have your books for reading time. 


Where do I put all of my unfinished work so that it doesn't get lost? 

In unfinished/ work in progress folder so that you can find it later. 
