Who built the ark?
What translation of the bible is the closest to word-for-word?
Interlinear Translation
How many New Testament books did Paul write?
What branch of Christianity believes that the apostle Peter was the first pope?
How many pets does Pastor Razzy have?
Who was the mother of Jesus?
What translation of the bible is the closest to thought-for-thought?
The Message
Which is the longest of Paul's Letters?
In 1054 AD, this branch of Christianity split off from the catholic church, called The Greek _________ Church.
The Greek Orthodox Church
How old is Pastor Razzy?
Who constructed the first temple?
King Solomon
What languages was the Old Testament written in?
Hebrew, & Aramaic
What did Paul do as a secondary career?
Tent Maker
Martin Luther
When is Pastor Razzy's birthday?
December 2nd
Which of the Gospel writers was a doctor?
What language was the New Testament written in?
What did Paul say he "died to" so that he might live for Christ?
The Law
This famous Christian, born in 1643, studied the bible daily while discovering calculus and the laws of gravity.
Isaac Newton
When did Pastor Razzy find Christ?
Who had the longest lifespan of all the characters in the bible?
What year was the bible translated into English?
The book of Ephesians was written to the church at Ephesis, a city whos ruins is in what country?
First discovered in 1947, the Dead Sea Scrolls are ancient manuscripts of parts of the Bible from around the time of Jesus. Which entire book of the Old Testament is in them?
What is Pastor Razzy's middle name?