Who stole the blue book from Uncle John?
Spider smith stole the book.
I'm singing in the classroom.
Today I am went to the park.
Today I am going to the park. (Present continuous)
What do police have to do?
They have to.... (catch robbers etc)
I like apples.
Open question simple present
What fruit do you like?
Who has a rabbit named Snowy?
Uncle John
Where did you see a dinosaur?
simple past
Yesterday he go to the zoo.
Yesterday he went to the zoo. (Simple past)
Where can you find police?
In every city and town. You can find them in the street.
I'm sitting in the classroom.
Open question PCT
What are you doing? Or where are you sitting?
Who came to the classroom, and what animal is he?
Coco came to the classroom, he is a chimpanzee.
A chimpanzee, his name is Coco.
Where do we make television shows?
simple present
Last year Alice and Lauren steal the cookies from the cookie jar.
Last year Alice and Lauren stole the cookies from the cookie jar. (Simple past)
What are robbers and smugglers?
They are criminals.
I saw a dog yesterday.
y/n question past tense
Did you see a dog?
I wasn't in school yesterday. I was at the part.
simple past
We are have the parents class today!
We are having the parents class today! (Present continuous)
How can the police find and catch robbers?
They keep photographs and fingerprints (Answer about fingerprints is ok)
I'm very hungry.
Simple present open question
How are you?
Where do the children and Uncle John want to meet after they go to the police station?
They want to meet in the park.
(Bonus points if you mention the bridge or the time, 4:30)
The parents class is very exciting.
simple present
Yesterday Peter eat a hamburger and walk in the park.
Yesterday Peter ate a hamburger and walked in the park. (Past simple, 2 verbs)
What did the Police do to the robber who robbed the bank?
They arrested him.
They followed him and arrested him.
My favorite sport was tennis when I was 5.
Open question simple past
What was your favorite sport?