Author/Historical background
Overview different themes

What is the name of the author of the book, The Fault in Our Stars?

John Green
There are five different themes in The Fault in Our Stars. However, there is one theme that covers all textual evidences in the book. What is it?

Coming of Age


Identify the definition of simile.

Comparing two or more things indirectly by using signal words such as like or as.


Identify the definition of metaphor.

Comparing two or more things directly and there is no signal word.


Identify the definition of hyperbole.

An extreme exaggeration of a situation using humor.


The author of the book was inspired to write this book after meeting a young girl named Esther Earl. Does it mean that the book is about the life of that girl?

No, even though the author was inspired by the girl's life, the story is nothing related to her real life.


Give me brief description of the theme, Religion and Philosophy


Read the given textual evidence and identify which type of figurative language it falls into.

*The Support Group, of course, was depressing as hell. (pg. 4)



Read the given textual evidence and identify which type of figurative language it falls into.

*Patience, grasshopper.


Identify the definition of overgeneralization.

Refers to making broad conclusions from one or very few facts.


What is one similarity between the author and characters in The Fault in Our Stars?

Characters in the text are labeled an outcast, and the author himself labeled an outcast was bullied in school.


Give me brief description of the theme, Family.


Read the given textual evidence and identify which type of figurative language it falls into.

*“…and listened to Patrick recount for the thousandth time his depressingly miserable life story – …” (pg.4)



Read the given textual evidence and identify two types of figurative languages it falls into.

“Hazel Grace, you are the only teenager in America who prefers reading poetry to writing it. This tells me so much. You read a lot of capital-G great books, don’t you?”

Hyperbole, Overgeneralization


Read the given textual evidence and identify which type of figurative language it falls into.

*The paperwork was endless.


Give me brief description of the theme, Life and Death


Read the given textual evidence and connect it with correct theme.

*The Support Group, of course, was depressing as hell. It met every Wednesday in the basement of a stone-walled Episcopal church shaped like a cross. We all sat in a circle right in the middle of the cross, where the two boards would have met, where the heart of Jesus would have been. (pg. 4)

Religion and Philosophy


Read the given textual evidence and connect it with correct theme.

*“I suspect Cancer Perk.” Cancer Perks are the little things cancer kids get that regular kids don’t: basketballs signed by sports heroes, free passes on late homework, unearned driver’s licenses, etc. (pg. 23)

Being different


Read the given textual evidence and connect it with correct themes. (Find TWO)

*So I got up late the next morning, a Thursday. Mom’s policy was never to wake me up, because one of the job requirements of Professional Sick Person is sleeping a lot, so I was kind of confused at first when I jolted awake with her hands on my shoulders. (pg.38)

Family, Being different


Give me brief description of the theme, Being different.


Read the given textual evidence and connect it with correct theme.

*But my mom believed I required treatment, so she took me to see my Regular Doctor Jim, who agreed that I was veritably swimming in a paralyzing and totally clinical depression, and that therefore my meds should be adjusted and also I should attend a weekly Support group. (pg. 3-4)



Read the given textual evidence and connect it with correct themes. (Find TWO)

*I’d taken a seat on the corner of his unmade bed. I wasn’t trying to be suggestive or anything; I just got kind of tired when I had to stand a lot. I’d stood in the living room and then there had been the stairs, and then more standing, which was quite a lot of standing for me, and I didn’t want to faint or anything. I was a bit of a Victorian Lady, fainting-wise.

Life and Death, Being different


Read the given textual evidence and connect it with correct themes. (Find TWO)

“Health is good?”

“The same, I guess?”

“Phalanxifor!” she enthused, smiling. “So you could just live forever, right?”

“Probably not forever,” I said.

“But basically,” she said. (pg. 43)

Life and Death, Being different.
