Potent Potables
Who Dat Who Dare?
Hippity Hoppity
Badda Bing
Jennifer Lopez

The first representative assembly in the new world. Created due to distance between Great Britain and the colonies.

What is the Virginia House of Burgesses?


1620 - The first agreement for self-government in America. It was signed by the 41 men on the Mayflower and set up a government for the Plymouth colony.

What is the Mayflower Compact?


An economic policy under which nations sought to increase their wealth and power by obtaining large amounts of gold and silver and by selling more goods than they bought

What is Mercantilism?


mistreatment or punishment of a group of people because of their beliefs

What is persecution?


Group of English Protestant dissenters who established Plymouth Colony in Massachusetts in 1620 to seek religious freedom after having lived briefly in the Netherlands.

Who are the Pilgrims?


An exchange of goods, ideas and skills from the Old World to the New World and vice versa.

What is the Columbian Exchange?


After winning the French and Indian War, King George III restricted the free movement of the colonists by enacting this policy.

What is the Proclamation Line of 1763?


Colony established by Roger Williams on the premise of separation of church and state

What is Rhode Island?


An English policy of not strictly enforcing laws in its colonies

What is Salutary Neglect?


Depended on shipbuilding, whaling, very poor rocky soil, with harsh winters

What are the New England Colonies?


Established as a buffer between Spanish Florida and the Carolinas; served as a haven for debtors

What is Georgia?


The right of people to rule themselves independently

What is self government?


A Puritan minister who led about 100 settlers out of Massachusetts Bay to Connecticut because he believed that the governor and other officials had too much power. He wanted to set up a colony in Connecticut with strict limits on government.

Who is Thomas Hooker?


Rich soil and warm climate allowed for a long growing season and for the production of labor-intensive cash crops (tobacco, rice, indigo) that depended on slavery

What are the Southern Colonies?


Ocean on the East Coast of the United States?

What is the Atlantic Ocean?


The first permanent English settlement in North America.

What is Jamestown?


A religious movement in the 13 colonies in the early 1700s led by Jonathan Edwards , religious tolerance increased. Did not Occur in England at the same time.

What is the Great Awkening?


The islands bordering the Caribbean Sea as well as the Bahamas and the Turks and Caicos Islands which are surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean discovered by Spanish explorer.

What are the West Indies?


John Rolf made the colony at Jamestown profitable with this item.

What is tobacco?


Inspired by Martin Luther, this caused a split from the Catholic Church.

What is the Protestant Reformation?


Slavery, Sectionalism, States Rights

What are the 3 Causes of the Civil War?


bad economy, few railroads, few supplies, small population, most people were enslaved

What are the weaknesses of the South during the Civil War?


The action of withdrawing formally from membership of a federation or body, in this case, the Southern states from the Union.

What is Secession or to secede?


Famous for keeping Jamestown alive during the starving time, he said "He who does not work, shall not eat."

Who is John Smith?


An English explorer who sailed for both the Dutch and the British in search of an all water route to Asia by sailing west across the Atlantic Ocean.

Who is Henry Hudson?