Figurative Language

True or False

The phrase "time is money" is a simile.

False. It is a metaphor.


What is setting?

Where and when the story takes place.


Meaning of suffix -ly

Ex. Quickly

Acting that way or how or how often something is done.

Doing something quick





What is a common noun? Give an example.

It is a general term used to name people, places, or things. Ex. boy, park, pencil.


True or False. The sentence below is a metaphor.

"Ali is a walking dictionary." 

True. "is"


What are the five parts of plot?

Exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution


The old woman offered the boy $10 to mow her lawn. She gave him the money once he finished.

What is the meaning of the word offered as it is used in the sentence?

a. take away

b. gave

c. order

d. promise

B. Gave


The players were obviously rattled by the quick goal scored against them and took time to settle down.

What definition below best describes the meaning of rattled as it is used above?

1. make or cause a rapid succession of short, sharp knocking sounds

2. cause someone to feel nervous, worried, or irritated.

2. cause someone to feel nervous, worried, or irritated.


What is a proper noun? Give at LEAST 3 examples that fall under DIFFERENT categories. Make sure you capitalize where needed.

A proper noun is a SPECIFIC name. It can name a person, place, thing, historical event, important document, language, nationality, title, etc.

Ex. Katherine, Martin Elementary School, Crayola, American Revolutionary War, Mayflower Compact, Arabic, Egyptian, "The Little Red Riding Hood"


I ran like the wind.

What type of figurative language is used? What does "ran like the wind" mean?

Simile. It means to run fast.


Think back to "The Game of Silence". Omakayas was initially worried about losing against her brother, Pinch. When her family and the elders arrive to visit, nobody loses the game. 

Why did Omakays attitude toward the game change at the end of the story? 

Because as she listened to the elder's conversations, the realization that there was a much bigger threat ahead caused her silence.


The old woman offered the boy $10 to mow her lawn. She gave him the money once he finished.

What phrase tells you the meaning of the word "offered"?

a. "the old woman"

b. "offered the boy $10"

c. "gave him the money"

d. "once he finished."

c. "gave him the money"


The players were obviously rattled by the quick goal scored against them and took time to settle down.

What phrase best helps you find the meaning of the word rattled?

a. "the players"

b. "were obviously rattled"

c. "the quick goal"

d. "took time to settle down"

d. "took time to settle down"


A fragment is an incomplete sentence. It could be missing __, ___, or even ___. 

Look at the following sentence. "The park." What is missing from the sentence? Rewrite the sentence to form a COMPLETE sentence.

subject, predicate, or even both.

Predicate is missing. 

"The park is filled with people." 


Edward studied all night for his upcoming test. He knew time was money, and ensured he didn't waste any of it. 

What does this tell you about time?

It is valuable, precious, etc.


What is a strategy you can use to compare and contrast?

Venn diagram


Owls and bats are nocturnal. They are active at night and rest during the day.

What is the meaning of the word nocturnal?

Active at night


Meaning of suffix -ment

Ex. Agreement

Result, action, or condition

Ex. If you agree, you make an agreement


"When Diana woke up, she goes straight to the shower."

What change needs to be made? Why?

goes -> went

Because the sentence is in past verb tense.


Write an example of a metaphor. 



Complete the venn diagram for he passage below.

There are many ways that owls and bats are similar. Owls and bats are both nocturnal. This means that they sleep during the day and are awake during the night. At night they hunt for their food. Owls and bats eat some of the same types of food such as insects and small rodents. While owls and bats can both fly, only one is considered a type of bird. Bats are the only mammals that can fly. Unlike owls, bats have fur instead of feathers. Another difference between birds and owls are their babies. Owls hatch from eggs but bats are born alive.



Owls and bats are nocturnal. They are active at night and rest during the day.

What phrase helps you understand the meaning of nocturnal?

"active at night"


Think about the movie Inside Out 1. Organize the events below in a plot diagram.

a. Riley gets angry and runs away

b. Riley is a teen girl who moves to a new home

c. Joy accepts that Riley needs to experience sad moments too

d. Joy prevents Sadness from getting involved

e. New core memories are created with different emotions

Exposition: b

Rising A: d

Climax: a

Falling A: c

Resolution: e


Look at the paragraph below. Fix any changes that need to be made.

(1) connor's best friend, Matias, was born. (2) in Chile? (3) matias speaks both english and Spanish, and enjoys creating stories in both languages. (4) At the upcoming school festival, he would like to compose a poem honoring his chilean heritage. (5) His current working title is "The rocky giants". (6) He hopes to make his parents proud!

(1 & 2) Connor's best friend, Matias, was born in Chile. (3) Matias speaks both English and Spanish, and enjoys creating stories in both languages. (4) At the upcoming school festival, he would like to compose a poem honoring his Chilean heritage. (5) His current working title is "The Rocky Giants". (6) He hopes to make his parents proud!
