Stories that are made up and no factual.
What is argumentative writing?
These are the paragraphs of the poem.
What are stanzas?
Another name for the person telling the story
What is narrator?
This describes the perspective we are hearing from for most of the story.
What is point of view?
Another terms for the main character in the story
What is protagonist?
This should be included in the introduction paragraph and is what the entire essay should be about
What is the claim?
This is the lesson that the reader can learn from the poem.
What is the theme?
When we are describing similarities between two things we are _____________ them.
What is comparing?
This term describes what a text, video, or poem is mostly about.
What is topic?
The main problem in the story
What is the conflict?
This is the minimal amount of paragraphs that should be in an argumentative essay
What is four?
This is a literary device where the author of the poem keeps saying the same word or phrase over and over.
What is repetition?
What is one?
This describes the moral or lesson of the story.
What is theme?
The person or force that is against the main character (protagonist)
What is the antagonist?
This is the part of the conclusion where you encourage your reader to do something with the information you have given
What is the call to action?
This is the perspective that the poem is told from.
What is the point of view?
When we are describing differences of two things we are not comparing but ______________.
What is contrasting?
If we are describing how two things are alike, we are describing their _______________.
What is similarites?
The lesson or moral of the story is the ________.
What is theme?
Punctuate this sentence correctly.
According to the story the girl said no thanks
What is
According to the story, the girl said, "no, thanks."
This is the term to describe the pattern in which the story rhymes.
What is the rhyme scheme?
Name the order of how we should writing a constructed response.
Topic Sentence
What is topic sentence, evidence, reason?
What is the organizational structure where events are told in the order that they happen?
What is chronological?