Reading Comprehension
Writing Pt. 2

The author uses chronological order in paragraph 2 mainly to show —
A. The stages a star goes through as it forms and develops
B. The increasing temperature of the star as it progresses through its life cycle
C. The order in which the different types of stars are created
D. The process of how gas and dust form into a protostar

D. The process of how gas and dust form into a protostar


Which sentence uses a coordinating conjunction correctly?
a. I wanted to go for a walk, but it started raining.
b. She likes apples, nor oranges.
c. The dog barked, or the cat meowed.
d. He ran fast, yet he won the race.

a. I wanted to go for a walk, but it started raining.


Identify the coordinating conjunction in this sentence: "I wanted to play outside, so I finished my homework quickly."
a. wanted
b. outside
c. so
d. quickly

c. so


Which detail does NOT support the idea that the main sequence star glows?
A. The gas inside the star is being used.
B. The star has reached fifteen million degrees.
C. The star has entered the red giant phase.

C. The star has entered the red giant phase.


Which of the following sentences is a fragment?
a. She was tired.
b. She went to the store.
c.  Finished their homework.
d. The sun is shining.

c.  Finished their homework.


Which sentence is a fragment?
a. While the dog was barking.
b. They went to the zoo.
c. I finished my book.
d. The kids are playing outside.

a. While the dog was barking.


The diagram is included to -
A. Show the different stages of a star's life cycle
B. Illustrate the formation of a protostar
C. Highlight the differences between a red giant and a black hole
D. Provide a visual representation of the size of various star types

A. Show the different stages of a star's life cycle


Where should the comma be placed in this sentence? "I bought apples oranges bananas and grapes."
a. After "apples" and "oranges"
b. After "oranges" and "bananas"
c. After "bananas" and "grapes"
d. After "apples," "oranges," and "bananas"

d. After "apples," "oranges," and "bananas"


Choose the sentence that is correctly edited: "She loves singing she practices every day."
a. She loves singing, she practices every day.
b. She loves singing, so she practices every day.
c. She loves singing and she practices every day.
d. She loves singing but she practices every day.

b. She loves singing, so she practices every day.


The selection states that one reason a red giant may become a white dwarf or a black hole is -
A. The size of the red giant
B. The amount of gas remaining inside the red giant
C. The temperature of the red giant
D. The age of the red giant

A. The size of the red giant


Choose the sentence that is correctly revised: "The car is fast it is red."
a. The car is fast and red.
b. The car is fast, it is red.
c. The car is fast. It is red.
d. The car is fast but red.

a. The car is fast and red.


Which of the following is NOT a complete sentence?

a. I love to read and watch movies. 

b. Trying to read a book, but my dog keeps bothering me.

c. While I am reading, I like to sit in the tent. 

d. Reading is the best hobby. 

b. Trying to read a book, but my dog keeps bothering me.


Which fact from the selection is best supported by the diagram?
A. Stars form from giant clouds of dust and gas.
B. The main sequence star glows brightly.
C. Red giants can become white dwarfs or large red giants. 
D. Protostars heat up and change into main sequence stars.

A. Stars form from giant clouds of dust and gas. 


Which sentence needs a comma?
a. She likes to swim and to run.
b. I want to go to the park but it is too far.
c. They ate pizza and watched a movie.
d. We can go to the beach.

b. I want to go to the park but it is too far.


Which sentence uses a coordinating conjunction correctly?
a. I wanted ice cream, so I went to the store.
b. She likes to read but she does not like to write.
c. He is tall, nor he is strong.
d. They were tired, they went for a run.

a. I wanted ice cream, so I went to the store.
