How did the Egyptians and others get food during the drought during Josephs time?
Bought food at Josephs warehouse
From what mountain was God's law given
Mt Sinai
Where did Jacob first meet Rachel
at a well (the well of Haran)
Who anointed Saul king of Israel?
Why did Moses kill the Egyptian?
He was beating a Hebrew
How did Jezebel die?
Thrown out the window and trampled by horses
What 2 books in the Bible are named after women?
Ruth and Esther
From the burning bush
Who was taken into heaven by a whirlwind
Why were Rahab and her family spared the destruction of Jericho?
Because she hid the Israelite spies from her people
How many wives and concubines did Solomon have
What did Elijah tell the widow of Zarephath would not run out during the drought?
her MEAL and OIL
Where did Joseph live when he first went to Egypt?
in Potiphars house
Who was Esther's foster father?
Why did God tell Gideon to reduce the size of his army?
"Lest the people think their own hand delivered them"
In Jonahs message to Ninevah, in how many days did he predict the downfall of the city?
What was Nimrod's occupation?
Where did Esther go, even though it was against the law?
Before the king
Who was Joshua's father?
Why was David kind to Mephibosheth?
He was Jonathans son
How many verses does the shortest chapter in the Bible contain?
What 2 ways did God tell Gideon to use to eliminate men from his army
1. all who were fearful
2. all who knelt to drink
Where did Abner serve as an army commander?
In King Sauls army
Who said " Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him"
Why did God add 15 years to the life of Hezekiah?
The Lord heard his prayer on his death bed and saw his tears