What is the theme for 1st life Group Fellowship?
Building friendship with God
Name the two church that we visit this year 2024
2. Eternal Life church
Who was our guest speaker?
Nxh. Albert/ Bobbie
Who was the guest speaker for Youth retreat?
Pastor Abishou Moua
What was Jesus' profession before he started his ministry?
A carpenter
What was the three activities games that we played?
Caterpillar race, Clay Chaos, Blindfold Challenge
Name the youth pastor for both Church visitations:
Pastor Jeremiah Her
Pastor Fav Txong Moua
Nxh. Albert devotional was about?
how to pray
Old testament: 39 books
New testament: 27 books
total: 66 books
How old was Jesus when he started his ministry?
What was the second Miracle that Jesus performed?
Who did their testimony this year?
Linda Xiong
Donavon Xiong
Jennifer Yang
What kind of Craft did we do?
write Bible verse on the rock.
What is the first book in the New Testament?
What is the name of the garden where Jesus went to pray after the Last Supper?
Garden of Gethsemane
When Jesus feeds the five thousand, how many baskets was left over?
How many youth Events did we have this year 2024?
How did we pray for one another?
Hint: Shyann's activity
Write our name on the paper. Then we find different paper and pray for them
Bible verse meditation:
Romans 10:09
"... that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved..."
Who was the first king of Israel?
Name Jesus' twelve disciples:
Peter, Andrew, James, James, John, Philip, Batholomew, Matthew, Thomas, Simon, Judas, Thaddeus
Who are our new youth councils for 2025 ?
Jennifer, Mary Lao, Diana, Lea, Isaiah Xiong, Ashley, Samuel, Lydia Vang, Angelina, Isaiah Kue, Tj Song, Niam Tj, Feng Lo, Niam Feng Lo
What is the purpose of fasting?
helps us draw near to God, surrender ourselves to God, hear God's direction and many more...
What are the ten commandments?
1. You shall have no other Gods before me.
2. You shall not make yourself an image in the form of anything.
3. You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God (no Swearing)
4. Keep the Sabbath day holy
5. Honor your father and your mother
6. You shall not murder
7. You shall not commit adultery
8. You shall not steal
9. You shall not given false testimony against your neighbor
10. you shall not covet your neighbor's house.
What are the four rivers listed as flowing out of Eden?
Phishon, Gihon, Hiddekel (Tigris) and Phirat (Euphrates)