Holiday Scenarios
Holiday Foods
Name that Holiday Song
Managing Holiday Stress
Holiday Fun

You mom hands you a holiday gift, she’s really excited for you to open it! You open the gift and it’s a festive sweater! When you try on the sweater you realize that it’s itchy, 2 sizes too large, and has a big unicorn on the front. You don’t really like the gift. How should you react?

Think about your mom's feelings, she was really excited to give you this gift. Sharing your negative thoughts with your mother could hurt her feelings. You could perform a social fake and thank her for the gift.


This holiday beverage is traditionally made with milk, cream, sugar, whipped egg whites, and egg yolks.



“___, ____, ___, I made it out of clay, and when it’s dry and ready, the ___ I shall play”

The dreidel song

Tess is working her job as a bagger at Market Basket. Lots of people are doing last minute shopping for the holidays. It is really busy and loud! Tess begins to feel overwhelmed and stressed out due to the amount of people she has to help. What strategies could she use to manage stress?

Ask to take an early break, take a quiet break

Deep breathing


Name three activities you can do outside in the snow

Snow angels, Snow ball fights, Sledding, Snow angels.. any others?


You notice that your classmate, Brick, is sad about the holidays this year. His dad is in the Military and will be away overseas during the holidays this year. What is something that you could do for your friend?

Write him a Holiday card or get him a gift!


This traditional Hanukkah dish is made of potatoes that are fried as pancakes.



"I'm dreaming of a ____ ______, Just like the one's I used to know"

White Christmas


Chuck's science teacher assigned a big project that is due when he returns from winter break. He is feeling stressed and isn't sure how he will get his work done! What are some ways he can make sure the project gets done in time?

Break down project into smaller parts

Make a check list

Plan when he'll work on the project using a calendar

Use timers in his phone to start working

Prioritize what needs to get done first


This holiday movie includes two burglars, Harry and Marv

Home Alone


You’re at a large holiday party with family and friends. Your aunt and uncle have been slaving away all day and have been working really hard on cooking food for all of the guests. During the holiday dinner, you realize that you don’t really like any of the food being served. How should you react?

Consider your Aunt and Uncles feelings, perform a social fake!


This red/white candy was created in 1841 and is named after it's shape.

Candy Canes


Elvis sang this song, "I'll have a ___ ______, without you."

Blue Christmas


Steve decided to bake a special chocolate chip banana bread with his parents for Xmas. He wants it to be perfect! Steve is so excited to do something special for his family and puts together the ingredients. He pulls the bread out of the oven and realizes he forgot to add the chocolate chips before baking! Steve is feeling stressed out! What is the size of this problem?

Small - His parents will still be grateful that their son took time to make them a special treat. 


In this 2003 holiday movie, Will Ferrell plays the character "Buddy", a human who was adopted and raised by Santa's elves.



Samantha, ordered her father a new personalized apron that has her father’s name on it. She is so excited to give this gift to her father and she knows that her father will love it! Samantha is disappointed when she finds out that the gift won’t arrive until after Christmas. What could Samantha do?

Communicate to her dad that his gift will be a little late this year.


This unfiltered, sweet and tart beverage is made from a specific fruit. 

Apple Cider


"___ ___, ___ ___. It's Christmas time in the city.

Silver Bells


You are doing some last minute holiday shopping at Target. You are waiting in a long checkout line when a person decides to cut the line in front of you. How might you feel physically in this situation? What strategies could you use to manage stress? How would you react?

How might you feel physically in this situation? - Tense muscles, heart racing, sweaty

Strategies? - Deep breathes, find a target employee


This game includes a 4-sided top is spun and played during Hanukkah



Joe is opening a  present from his grandmother on Xmas morning. He opens up his gift to see the video game he’s been asking for! Then he realizes that his grandma got him the game for the wrong video game console! He won’t be able to play the video game. How should Joe react?

Perform social fake. Trade in the game for the right one later on. 


This cracker-like bread is traditionally eaten during Passover by those of the Jewish faith.



“Last ______, I gave you my heart, and the very next day you gave it away”.

Last Christmas by Wham


The day before Christmas eve, you are traveling across the country to visit family for the holidays. You and your family are at the airport and it’s really busy! You aren’t paying attention and get separated from your family. What is one thing you can do to manage stress? What should you do next?

Strategies - Deep breath, find an airport employee

Call/text your family, find an airport employee and let them know what has happened


This week-long holiday celebration held in the United States honors African heritage in African-American culture.

