Stating Locations
Navigating Parking Lots Safely
Crossing the Street
Appropriate Store Behavior and Interacting with Store Employees
Checking out at a Store

Why is stating your location an important skill?

  • So that you can go out into the community independently.

  • So, teachers and parents/caretakers can find you.

  • To let your parents/guardians know where you are. 


What do you need to look for while walking in parking lots?

Moving cars.


Where do we cross the street?

At crosswalks, marked with white diagonal lines.


What can you use to carry items you want to buy?

A grocery basket if you're getting a few things, a grocery cart if you are buying more items.


Where should you stand when you are ready to check out?

Stand at the back of the check-out line.


Who should you state your location to?

Family, Friends and Community Helpers (teachers, police, 911 operators, firefighters)


Where should you walk in the parking lot?

Near the parked cars, not in the middle of the aisle.


Where do you look before crossing the street?

To the left and right.


What is appropriate store behavior?

Walking and using a quiet voice. Only touching the items, we are considering buying. 


What are the two ways you can check out at the store?

Checking out with a cashier, and self-checkout.


What is the first thing you need to say when stating your location?

The name of the building or store I am in.


How far away should you be from parked cars when walking in parking lots?

2-3 feet.


What do you look for before crossing the street?

You look for moving cars and wait to see if they come to a stop.


How should you move through the aisles in a store?

Calmly, making sure to walk and not run. Also making sure to not bump into other people with the grocery cart.


Where should you put your items when checking out?

On the conveyer belt if checking out with a cashier or scan them individually and put them in bags if using self-checkout.


What is the second thing you need to say when stating your location?

What I see around me.


What do white lights on the back of a car mean?

The car is reversing or backing up.


What should we do if cars don't come to a full stop when we need to cross the street?

Wait for the cars to come to a full stop.


Who can I go to if I need help in a store?

A store employee.


How can you make sure you give the cashier enough money after they tell you the total?

I can use Dollar-Up to make sure I give the cashier enough money for my items.


Can you state your current location?

I am in Ivymount School, in room ___.


What should you do if you see white lights on the back of a car in the parking lot?

  • STOP! Make sure you are not behind the car where the driver can’t see you

  • Wait for the car to pull out of the spot before you move forward.


What should you do if there is no specific place to cross the street?

Stop, look both ways, and wait for cars to stop or until there are no cars coming and the road is clear.


How do you know someone is a store employee?

They may be wearing a uniform like a specific color shirt, an apron, or a nametag. If I am unsure, I can ask.


What are the three things you need to take with you after checking out?

My items, my change, and my receipt.
