Hot Seat 1
Hot Seat 2

Definition of trauma.

What is a very stressful or disturbing experience?

The purpose of the Feelings Thermometer.

What is a way to measure how we are feeling.


True or False: Thoughts and behaviors influence the way we feel.

What is true?


Checking the facts is used to

What is finding evidence that support what you think is true?


Definition of coping.

What is a person's ability to deal with or handle something stressful?

When stress or trauma occurs, people react in different ways. Three common reactions to stressor trauma include.

What is...

- nightmares

- trouble sleeping or sleeping too much

- thinking about it all the time

- not wanting to think or talk about it

- avoiding people, places, or things that remind them of the trauma

- feeling scared for no reason

- Feeling “crazy” or out of control

- Not being able to remember parts of what happened 

- Having trouble concentrating at school or at home 

- Being on guard to protect yourself or feeling like something bad it about to happen.

- Jumping when there is a loud noise 

- Feeling anger, shame, guilt, sadness, or grief

- Having physical health problems and complaints 


Thinking of alternatives means

What is other ways of thinking?


Plan of Attack is used to

What is deciding what you can do about the situation?


One form of coping with anxiety provoking events that involves pushing away the problem. This usually creates more problems than it solves.

What is avoidance?

A student is on Main Street walking to school as it is raining on a Friday, and they witness a tall man wearing a baseball cap attack someone. Three things this student might start avoiding because it makes them anxious and will remind them of the attack.

What is tall people, people wearing baseball caps, main street, the rain, Fridays, walking to school, men?


Asking questions such as...“How do I know this is true?”  “Has this happened to me before?” “Has this happened with other people?” is a way to

What is check the facts?


Implications are used to

What is thinking of what will happen?


A technique used when a thought you’d rather not have begins creeping into your mind, you notice it as unhelpful or intrusive and then take action to push it away.

What is Thought Stopping?

One Thought Stopping strategy.

What is saying "Stop!" in your mind, snapping your fingers, imagining a big red stop sign, picturing your worry as a bug and squashing it, picturing your worry as a balloon and popping it, getting up and moving, singing a song, replaying a pleasant memory, setting a timer?


1. Raven got bumped into the hallway and thinks "they bumped into me on purpose." With this thought, she might do something like...

2. Raven got bumped into the hallway and thinks "that was an accident." With this thought, she might do something like...

1. What is yell, fight, shove them back, etc?

2. What is keep walking?


Raven got bumped into the hallway. Some helpful things that Raven could do if she decides that the person bumped into her on purpose.

What is...

  1. Raven could ask her friends if she bumped her on purpose. 

  1. Raven could ask the person why they bumped her. 

  1. Raven could ignore it and keep walking. 


The relaxation technique where a person tenses and relaxes groups of muscles.

What is progressive muscle relaxation?


As we learned in the Stress and Trauma Triangle, stress and trauma affects what we _ _ _ _ _, what we _ _ _ _, and what we _ _.

What is think, feel, and do?


The following questions are used for (alternatives, implications, or evidence)

  1. Even if this thought is true, what's the worst thing that can happen? 

  1. Even if this thought is true. Was the best thing that could happen? 

  1. What will be the most likely thing to happen? 

What are implications?

One of the questions used to explore the implications.

What is...

  1. Even if this thought is true, what's the worst thing that can happen? 

  1. Even if this thought is true. Was the best thing that could happen? 

  1. What will be the most likely thing to happen? 
