General Knowledge
pop culture

Who is the founder of modern-day Nursing

Florence Nightingale


The nurse caring for patients postoperatively uses careful hand hygiene and sterile techniques when handling patients. Which of Maslow's basic human needs is being met by this nurse?

a. Physiologic
b. Safety and security
c. Self-esteem
d. Love and belonging

b. By carrying out careful hand hygiene and using sterile technique, nurses provide safety from infection. An example of a physiologic need is clearing a patient's airway. Self-esteem needs may be met by allowing an older adult to talk about a past career. An example of helping meet a love and belonging need is contacting a hospitalized patient's family to arrange a visit.


A 77-year-old man who has been diagnosed with an upper respiratory tract infection tells the nurse that he is allergic to penicillin. Which is the most appropriate response by the nurse?

a. "that's to be expected--lots of people are allergic to penicillin."
b. "This allergy is not of major concern because the drug is given so commonly."
c. "What type of reaction did you have when you took penicillin?"
d. "Drug allergies don't usually occur in older individuals because they have built up resistance."

c. "What type of reaction did you have when you took penicillin?"


The very first thing a nurse will assess when doing a head to toe examination is what?

A. head

B. eyes

C. ears

D. general appearance

D. general appearance


How many grandchildren does Kris Jenner have?



Written documents that provide guidelines for making medical decisions in the event a person becomes incapacitated

Advanced Directives


The nurse is learning how to use the hospital's new electronic medication administration record (eMAR). The nurse knows this tool has the potential to do which of the following? Select all that apply.

(a) Reduce medication administration errors.
(b) Improve access to information at the point of care.
(c) Eliminate the need for the nurse to document medication administration.
(d) Eliminate the need for the nurse to verify dose calculations.

Correct answer: (a) Reduce medication administration errors; and
(b) Improve access to information at the point of care.


The nurse is reviewing factors that influence pharmacokinetics in the neonatal patient. Which factor puts the neonatal patient at risk with regard to drug therapy?

a. Immature renal system

b. Hyperperistalsis in the GI tract

c. Irregular temperature regulation

d. Smaller circulatory capacity

a. Immature renal system


A nurse is assessing a patient's neck with the patient seated. Which of the following is considered an unexpected finding?

A. Jugular vein distention

B. Midline trachea

C. Lack of bruits in carotid arteries

D. Thyroid symmetry bilaterally

A. Jugular vein distention


Question: Who did Forbes name the youngest "self-made billionaire ever" in 2019?

kylie jenner


Best place to verify heartrate?

Apical Pulse


A client is referred to a surgeon by the general practitioner. After meeting the surgeon, the client decides to find a different surgeon to continue treatment. The nurse supports the client's action, utilizing which ethical principle?

1. Beneficence
2. Veracity
3. Autonomy
4. Privacy

Answer: 3
Rationale: Autonomy is the right of individuals to take action for themselves. Beneficence is an ethical principle to do good and applies when the nurse has a city to help others by doing what is best for them. Veracity refers to truthfulness. Privacy is the nondisclosure of information by the health care team.


While caring for a patient with cirrhosis or hepatitis, the nurse knows that abnormalities in which phase of pharmacokinetics may occur?

a. Absorption
b. Distribution
c. Metabolism
d. Excretion

c. Metabolism


The nurse is examining a 4-year-old child who is having difficulty breathing. Which area should the nurse consider examining last?
A. Abdomen
B. Ears
C. Respiratory system
D. Skin

B. Ears


Question: Which tech entrepreneur named his son X Æ A-12?

Elon Musk


Name 5 medication rights

Right person, Right time, Right medication, Right dose, Right route, right documentation, right assessment, right to refuse, right education, right evaluation. 


A patient has taken an overdose of aspirin. Which of the following should a nurse most closely monitor for during acute management of this patient?

A: Onset of pulmonary edema

B: Metabolic alkalosis

C: Respiratory alkalosis

D: Parkinson's disease type symptoms

c. respiratory alkalosis


The nurse is assessing the client for possible evidence of digitalis toxicity. The nurse acknowledges that which is included in the signs and symptoms for digitalis toxicity?

a. Pulse (heart) rate of 100 beats/min
b. Pulse of 72 with an irregular rate
c. Pulse greater than 60 beats/min and irregular rate
d. Pulse below 60 beats/min and irregular rate

d. Pulse below 60 beats/min and irregular rate


When a nurse does an assessment on a client's vision using either the Snelling chart or newspaper finger-wiggle test which cranial nerve are they assessing?

A. cranial nerve 5

B. cranial nerve 7

C. cranial nerve 3

D. cranial nerve 2

D. cranial nerve 2


1. Who stars as Wednesday Addams in the Netflix show Wednesday?

Jenna Ortega

Camila Mendes

Sofia Carson

Jenna Ortega

What does SBAR stand for?

situation, background, assessment and recommendation. 


what are the 3 components of the cushions triad?

bradycardia widened pulse pressure and irregular respirations.


Which assessment indicates a therapeutic effect of mannitol (Osmitrol)?

a. Decreased intracranial pressure

b. Decreased potassium

c. Increased urine osmolality

d. Decreased serum osmolality

a. Decreased intracranial pressure


A patient presents to the emergency department complaining of abdominal pain. Which component of the health examination should the nurse consider
doing first?
A. The nurse should get a complete history on the patient prior to the abdominal examination.
B. The nurse should get a detailed history of the pain and perform a focused assessment.
C. The nurse should examine the abdomen first, then ask pertinent questions related to the pain.
D. The nurse should document the chief complaint and perform a head‐to‐toe examination.

B. The nurse should get a detailed history of the pain and perform a focused assessment.


how many minutes in a week?

