Vision, Mission & Core Values
Five Class Essentials
Commitments & Responsiblities
PALS & Fisher

The CBS Mission: 

"To make _____ of the Lord Jesus Christ in our communities through caring, in-depth Bible study, available to all."



Participants gain additional insights and grow in their confidence with God’s Word as they discuss Bible passages in a safe small group setting. (Hint: E____ D____)

Encouraging Discussion


Each CBS leader is called by God to give her love as a shepherd and servant leader, following the perfect and ultimate model of (NAME), the (TITLE).

Jesus, the Good Shepherd


Each year, every leader within CBS completes this document that affirms the leader's willing adherence to the CBS Statement of Faith, Christian beliefs, CBS Behavior Policy, and the Ministry Relationship Statement. 

Annual Leadership Commitment (ALC)


Kaiti sends this out each month to tell us each week's lesson, opening, who is doing the devotion, and the review, and it gives the time breakdown for each class.



The CBS Vision:

"________  ________ through the Word of God."

Transformed lives


Transformation happens as individuals engage with God in His Word. Stimulating study questions help participants apply the timeless truths of the Bible to their daily lives. (Hint: I____ S_____)

Individual Study


Shepherding differs according to each leader's  ____ in CBS, and includes frequent, meaningful connections with participants for the purpose of encouragement, accountability, and support.



This is something each leader participates in regularly for the class members under her care and to ask the Lord to equip her with wisdom, insight, and discernment in shepherding people with diverse needs, personalities, and degrees of spiritual development.



If you want to print out that week's lesson because you misplaced your book, on the Fisher home page, you would click on this left-hand tab.



A CBS core value that involves open communication with our Lord.



Respected theologians help participants understand the passage’s historical context and how it relates to the rest of Scripture. (Hint: I_____ C______)

Insightful Commentary


Leaders shepherd the flock entrusted to them. Leaders with servant hearts are committed to encouraging a p_____ r_____ with Christ for some, and a deeper s_____ w_____ for others.

personal relationship and spiritual walk


To serve in CBS, each leader must 1. faithfully attend ________ each week, 2. abide by CBS policies and practices, 3. fulfill the commitment of their roles, and 4. attend any leadership conferences, meetings, and training events.

Leaders' Council


If you want to watch the video of the lecture, but I forgot to send out the link through email, you can still find the lecture by going to the Fisher home page and clicking on this left-hand tab.



A CBS core value that could be illustrated by the quality of glass.



Trained teachers highlight and illustrate the central idea of the Bible passage and its practical application in participants’ lives. (Hint: E_____  _____)

Effective Teaching


To be an effective shepherd in CBS, each servant leader should take to heart the goal of CBS:

For each person to come and be c_____, c_____ for, and c_____ in God’s Word.

comfortable, cared for, confident


Each leader should commit to building R_____ to O_____ by connecting with those she shepherds to provide support, friendship, and accountability, and by consulting her own shepherd for prayer and guidance when encountering challenges and then humbly consider and accept shepherding advice when given.

Relationship to Others


If you wanted to find something useful to help you in your prayer or devotional life, something to help you teach your class or lead your core, or a document on a particular CBS policy, on the Fisher homepage you would click on this left-hand tab.

"Resources & Courses"


We serve in CBS with the core values of EXCELLENCE, INTEGRITY, and as SERVANT LEADERS. And in that service we T____ in G____'s P______.

Trust in God's Provision


C_____ leaders pray for and encourage participants to grow spiritually and to connect with one another in a loving and supportive c_______.

Caring Community


Looking at the CBS Shepherding Chart, we see this triangle with Class Participants, Leaders' Council, Servants Team, and me, the Teaching Director. Then follows (NAME) our (ROLE), and after that is (NAME), our (ROLE).

Nancy Jacobs, our Area Director, and Leslie Schultz, our Zone Director


This is foundational for any leader who wishes to grow into a disciple who is capable of offering servant leadership to others, and this requires a strong devotional life, seeking God’s guidance, obediently submitting to His Word and His will, and participation in a local church. (Hint: R______ to C______)

Relationship to Christ


If I witness a behavior or something physically concerning about a participant that is egregious, or if an emergency happens during class where a participant is injured or needs medical attention, this needs to be documented. I would tell someone on the Servant's Team. Then she will go to "Resources & Courses" and type in "______ ______" to record what happened.

"Incident Report"
