Thought, Feeling, Action?
Replace the Thought
Name a feeling
Relaxation Skills
Rate the Intensity

Sad, mad, happy, and scared are examples.

What is a feeling?


I failed a test and think "I'm stupid"

What is a thought like "I can study harder next time", "it's no big deal, it's just one test", or "I am smart and I tried my best so that's what matters"?


Frown face, crying, covering my eyes with my hands.

What is sad?


When you cross your arms across your chest and tap left then right, then left, then right.

Butterfly Hug


I stubbed my toe getting out of bed. This is my level of frustration.

What is 1-3?


This is something we do on purpose.

What is an action?

My friend is playing with someone else at recess so I think "No one likes me"

What is a thought like "It's okay for friends to play with other friends", "Lots of people like me, so maybe I can make a new friend today", or "I am likable, I'll just ask to play too"?


Yelling, stomping, crossing my arms.

What is mad?


This is when you pull air into your lungs slowly, and push it out slowly

Deep breaths


It's my first day at a new school tomorrow. This is the level of nervousness I feel.

What is 3-8?


This is the voice or words in our head.

What is a thought?


My mom moved away from me, my brother, my dad, and grandparents, so I think "It's all my fault, this wouldn't have happened if I was a better kid."

What is a thought like "kids are not responsible for adult actions or feelings", "Mom has her own challenges, and this is not my fault", or "I'm good, a kid's only job is to be a kid"


Smiling, laughing, jumping

What is happy?


I can imagine a ______ place in my head to relax.

What is calm and safe?


My dog got out and ran away! This is my sadness level.

What is 7-10?


The type of thought this is (Hint - either helpful or unhelpful): "Everything is always my fault!"

What is an unhelpful thought?


I see some kids at the grocery store laughing so I think "They must be laughing at me"

What is a thought like "maybe they just told a joke", "I don't know why they're laughing but it's not helpful to assume it's about me", or "it doesn't matter! No big deal."?


Hiding behind my mom, biting my nails, covering my eyes, gasp!

What is scared?


These are 3 things I do to relax.

What are... any 3 things you do to relax?


My friend is having a chocolate cake for her birthday, but I only like vanilla. She has vanilla ice cream that I can have, but I was hoping for cake. This is the level of disappointment I feel.

What is 4 or less?

The type of thought this is (Hint - helpful or unhelpful): "An adult's choices are never a kid's fault. I'm not responsible for what adults do or don't do."

What is a helpful thought?


There was a fire at my house, and I think "I must have done something to start it".

What is a thought like "Fires are scary things that happen all the time, it doesn't mean it was my fault"?


These are 5 other feelings that we haven't mentioned?

What are... any 5 feelings other than happy, sad, mad, and scared?


Progressive Muscle Relaxation involves tightening specific muscles in our body and then relax them a few times. This is one example.

What is squeezing lemons, cooked/uncooked spaghetti, etc. 


I just got the birthday present that was #1 on my list! This is the level of excited I feel.

What is 5-10?
