Learning Theories
Emotion theory
New Wave

Skinner focused on ________

Reinforcement and operant conditioning 


cognitive arousal theory is also known as?

Schachter and Singer’s Two-Factor Theory


This ______involves concluding that one’s actions caused an external event without evidence for that conclusion. And emotional reasoning is reliance on one’s emotional state to draw conclusions about oneself, others, and situations.



Name the three models we reviewed that are based in New wave CBT



Bandura’s social cognitive theory was derived from

1.Mediating processes occur between stimuli & responses.

2.Behavior is learned from the environment through the process of observational learning.



"Arousal induced by watching a violent film can linger and make people who are subsequently provoked by a confederate respond with greater anger toward the confederate than do people who watched a nonviolent film"

This is an example of

Excitation transfer theory


Name Ellis's REBT model

A - is an activating event,

B - is the client’s irrational belief about that event,

C - is the emotional or behavioral consequence of that belief,

D-  is the therapist’s use of techniques that dispute the client’s irrational belief,

E-  is the effect of these techniques, which is the replacement of the irrational belief with a more rational one.


1.Experiential acceptance

2.Cognitive defusion

3.Being present

4.Awareness of self-as-context

5.Values-based action

6.Committed action

These are aspects of



A child straightens her room because her parents stop nagging her when she does so. This is an example of 

Negative reinforcement occurs when a behavior increases or is maintained because a stimulus is removed following the behavior. 


The experience of an emotion and physiological arousal occur together when an environmental stimulus causes the thalamus (which receives input from the senses) to simultaneously send signals to the cerebral cortex and the sympathetic nervous system.

this is what theory?

Cannon Bard-Theory


Name to techniques of REBT

•Systematic desensitization -The process of systematic desensitization is a partial way of exposure, and occurs in three steps. The first step is to identify the hierarchy of fears. The second step is to learn relaxation or coping techniques. Finally, the individual uses these techniques to manage their fear during a situation from the hierarchy. The third step is repeated for each level of the hierarchy, starting from the least fear-inducing situation.

•Skills training - These can include emotional regulation, interpersonal effectiveness, distress tolerance, and problem-solving. The goal of skills training is to empower individuals, giving them a toolkit, that they can draw upon when faced with challenging situations or emotional turmoil.


_______was originally developed as a method for treating recurrent depression (Segal, Williams, & Teasdale, 2001), and research has confirmed that it’s an effective treatment not only for depression but also for a number of other conditions including anxiety, chronic pain, and insomnia.

Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy


US->UR, US+NS->UR, CS->CR, Explain using an example for each stage 

US (Meat powder)-> UR (Salivation), US (MP)+ NS (Bell)-> UR (Salivation), CS(Bell)->CR (Salivation)


"when a person is faced with a growling bear while hiking in the woods, her heart begins to beat faster and she starts breathing more deeply, and she then feels afraid." 

This is an example of?

James Lange Theory


The Cognitive Triad is?

Negative view of the self
Negative view of others
Negative view of the world


___________Combines Cognitive Restructuring with acceptance, mindfulness and shaping.  

