Cognitive Distortions Definitions 1
Cognitive Distortions Definitions 2
Cognitive Distortions Definitions 3
Cognitive Distortions Scenarios 1
Cognitive Distortions Scenarios 2

This cognitive distortion takes place when you jump to the worse case scenario of what could happen in a situation. 

What is catastrophizing? 


This cognitive distortion takes place when someone thinks that themselves or others "must" or "must not" do something. It can also be a view that things must be a certain way. 

What is shoulds?


This cognitive distortion takes place when you to believe that you’re responsible for events that, in reality, are completely or partially out of your control.

What is personalization? 


Share a scenario in your life when the "catastrophizing" cognitive distortion was used. (Make it up if necessary).

Fun fact: Competitive art was once an Olympic sport.


One day, you get into an argument with your partner. You begin thinking that your partner is going to break up with you. What cognitive distortion is a work here?

What is jumping to conclusions? 


This cognitive distortion occurs when we play the victim and we hold others responsible for our behaviors and situations.

What is blaming? 


This cognitive distortion expresses itself by putting ones own thoughts, feelings, and opinions above anyone else. Your own opinions become facts and some may argue these opinions with others.

What is always being right? 


This cognitive distortion happens when you interpret an event or situation negatively without having the true evidence to support. It can be called mind-reading or fortune telling.

What is jumping to conclusions? 


Share a scenario in your life when the "shoulds" cognitive distortion was used. (Make it up if necessary).

Fun Fact: Pigs can't look up into the sky.


You get home from work/school one day and your sibling seems to have an attitude with you for what seems to be no reason. You begin thinking that your sibling is always a "selfish jerk", when in reality your sibling had a very stressful day at work/school. What cognitive distortion is at work here?

What is labeling? 


This cognitive distortion is occurs when it seems that one is either in charge of everything in their life and others lives or that they are not in charge of anything at all.

What is control fallacy (external or internal)? 


This cognitive distortion occurs when we measure every behavior and situation based on whether it is equal or just based on your own viewpoint. 

What is fallacy of fairness? 


This cognitive distortion is when you take an isolated negative event and turn it the conclusion for all events moving forwards. Typically involves using words like always or never. 

What is overgeneralization? 


You feel lonely because you are sitting at home on your phone and see that your friends are at a party without you. You begin to assume that no one loves you or wants to be around you. What cognitive distortion could be a play here? 

What is emotional reasoning? 


Share a scenario in your life when the "personalization" cognitive distortion was used. (Make it up if necessary).

Fun Fact: The continent Australia is wider than the moon 


This cognitive distortion is when you are ignoring and rejecting all positives in a situation and, instead, focusing on its negatives. 

What is filtering (mental filtering)? 

This cognitive distortion is when you think about yourself or the world in a "black or white"  or an "All or Nothing" thinking pattern. 

What is polarized thinking? 


This cognitive distortion occurs when someone takes a single attribute of someone/something and turns it into an absolute. 

What is labeling? 


You take an test for class and receive a D after studying very hard. Based on this, you begin to believe that you are stupid and that you fail the class. Which two cognitive distortions may be used here? 

What is overgeneralization and catastrophizing? 


Share a scenario in your life when the "heaven's reward fallacy" cognitive distortion was used. (Make it up if necessary).

Fun Fact: All dogs have dreams

This cognitive distortion is a way of making feelings into facts. Any feelings is perceived that it is true/accurate even if it is not. 

What is emotional reasoning?


This cognitive distortion exists when there is a belief that others should do something different in order to meet your needs, wants, or your desires. 

What is fallacy of change? 


This cognitive distortion takes place when one thinks that everything in life will result in a good/favorable outcome based on how hard one works. 

What is heavens reward fallacy? 


Share a scenario in your life when the "emotional reasoning" cognitive distortion was used. (Make it up if necessary).

Fun Fact: Hawaii gets 3 feet closer to Alaska every year.


Two friends recently got their drivers license's and cars. These friends have been taking turns picking each other up for school, but one friend says that they no longer want to pick the other up because they live too far and are wasting gas. The friend become upset and think their friend owes it to them to give them a ride. What three cognitive distortions could be at play here?

What is fallacy of fairness, always being right, and shoulds? 
