Describe 2 signs that might indicate you should use a coping skill.
What is: physical sensations or strong feelings?
Belief that we know what others are thinking without checking.
What is Mind Reading?
What are the two most common types of hallucinations?
What is visual and auditory?
What is something that reduces the risk for developing a condition or reduces the likelihood it will get worse?
What is: thoughts come and go; sometimes we think things on purpose, other times they just happen; can be in words or images; can be linked with distressing or uncomfortable feelings; some are inaccurate...
Describe square breathing.
What is a 4-part breathing sequence that consists of inhale/hold/exhale/hold which is repeated four times?
Believing something is true based on a feeling.
Example: Feeling fear and believing there is danger even when there are no apparent signs of danger around.
What is Emotional Reasoning?
Describe the difference between a positive and a negative symptom of psychosis.
What is active = added; negative = taken away?
Discuss the relationship between substances and symptoms of psychosis.
Substance use can lead to and/or exacerbate symptoms of psychosis.
Give 2 reasons for why we check our thoughts.
What is: thoughts can be inaccurate; thoughts impact the way we feel and behave; can be automatic...
Describe a body scan and how you might do one.
What is: gradually relaxing different parts of the body, one at a time, in succession?
Belief that a situation is "all good" or "all bad" - there's no middle ground, no variations.
This involves words like Always, Never, Everybody, and Nobody.
What is All-or-Nothing?
Identify 3 early warning signs of psychosis.
What is: drop in grades/work performance; difficulty thinking/concentrating; suspiciousness; decline in performance of ADLs; social withdrawal; strong, inappropriate feelings or none at all; fatigue.
What is the #1 side effect of marijuana?
What is anxiety?
Define metacognition.
What is thinking about thinking?
Describe mindfulness and 2 ways in which it can be used.
What is connecting to the present moment through attending to our senses?
Not paying attention to positive information.
Example: A person may say to themselves, "that job interview was terrible," and refuse to give themselves credit for positive feedback received.
What is Discounting the Positive?
Identify 2 types of delusions.
What is erotomanic, somatic, grandiose, paranoid/persecutory, reference...
List 2 physical illnesses or problems that can be related to psychosis.
What is TBIs, brain tumors, strokes, HIV, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, or dementia?
Identify the 3 C's of a technique we discussed for examining our thoughts.
What is 1) Catch, 2) Check, 3) Change?
List 2 coping skills for distressing experiences associated with psychosis.
What is: humming, reading to others, reading aloud to self, listening to music, wearing earplugs...
Staying in the same negative thinking loop over and over.
Example: If someone spoke rudely to you at the store and the thought stays with you all day. Staying stuck on the thought only leads to more and more distress. We sometimes refer to this as rumination or excessive worry.
Describe what a somatic hallucination is.
What is experiencing a bodily sensation that is not rooted in reality? (examples: someone tapping your shoulder, feeling bugs crawling on you)
List 2 risk factors for psychosis.
What is: family history, substance abuse, trauma, head injuries, genetics...
Describe how someone with depression is likely to interpret a situation (in terms of attributions) versus someone with psychosis. Who is each of them most likely to blame for negative events?
Depression = self-blame; Psychosis = blaming others