What is CBT?
Thoughts, Feelings, or Behaviors?
Change that Thought!
Coping Skills
Just for Fun

What is the name of the triangle used to examine thoughts, feelings and behaviors?

The CBT triangle


"I can't believe I failed that test, I am so stupid!" is a
a) Thought
b) Feeling
c) Behavior

a) Thought


Change this thought to be more positive and/or realistic:

"They never listen to me ever!!!"

Some examples could be:

"I feel unheard right now."
"I don't like it when I am not listened to."
"I know they've listened to me before, I wish they could do it now..."

But the possibilities are endless!


What is a good sensory coping skill (sensory means using touch and the other senses like smell, taste, etc.)?

Some examples are:

- Cuddling a stuffed animal
- Using a PopFidgety
- Smelling candles or scented oils
- Having a healthy snack or some water


"Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?"

Spongebob Squarepants!

Who is the creator of CBT?

a) Dr. Bruce Wayne
b) Dr. J. Jonah Jameson
c) Dr. Aaron Beck
d) Dr. Selina Kyle

c) Dr. Aaron Beck


Running to your room and slamming your door is a
a) Thought
b) Feeling
c) Behavior

c) Behavior


Change this thought to be more positive and/or realistic:

"I hate him so much, he ALWAYS does this!"

Some examples could be:

"I don't like it when he..."
"I feel like he does this a lot, is there a way I can get him to stop?"
"I know it's frustrating right now, but I know he's been nice before when he [find example]"

But there's a lot more options too!


What is a good distraction-based coping skill (something to get your mind off of a really powerful negative feeling)?

Some examples are:

- Watching a funny video online
- Reading a book
- Using a snap bracelet or similar


Which is not a Marvel movie?
a) Avengers
b) Captain America
c) Wonder Woman
d) Iron Man

c) Wonder Woman


When should you use CBT?
a) Whenever you feel like it
b) When you are having trouble with a negative thought or feeling
c) Never, it's dumb
d) Only if your therapist makes you

b) When you are having trouble with a negative thought or feeling


"Exhausted" is a
a) Thought
b) Feeling
c) Behavior

b) Feeling


Change this thought to be more positive and/or realistic:

"What's the point? Nothing will get better."

Some examples could be:

"Right now I feel hopeless."
"I know I've felt better before, but it's tough right now."
"I really don't like feeling like things are pointless, who can I talk to?"

But that's just some options!

What is a good thought-based coping skill (something to get you thinking about and processing your feelings)?

Some examples could be:

- Journaling
- Writing poetry
- Making a video talking about your feelings
- Collage 


What is a game where you can mine, build, and battle?



A thought that leads to a negative feeling is a ______ thought.



"They're being so mean to me, why can't they leave me alone?!" is a
a) Thought
b) Feeling
c) Behavior

a) Thought


Change this thought to be more positive and/or realistic:

"I can't believe what I did! I can never show my face at school again!"

Some examples could be:

"I feel embarrassed now, but maybe tomorrow I'll feel less embarrassed."
"Chances are they'll be talking about something else tomorrow."
"Maybe nobody even noticed; they barely notice anything at that school!"

But there's lots more!


When should you use a coping skill?

a) When you are calm
b) When you are starting to get angry
c) When you are completely escalated or "in crisis"
d) After the crisis has ended

b) When you are starting to get angry


Complete the phrase:

"You're gonna need a bigger ____"



Weird But True

Clouds look white because they are reflecting sunlight from above them.
