Aaron Temkin Beck is the founder of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy?
True! Along with Rosalie Rayner
CBT is a one size fit's all
Proper CBT is not manualized, it is specifically created to aid the individual. It can be especially hard for people with complex mental health.
Most mental health professional's are fully trained in CBT?
Only about 15% have learned TRUE CBT
Releasing anger by running or working out
CBT focuses on past trauma
False, it focuses on the present.
CBT is only 50% effective
False! CBT has a 60-90% effectiveness, the more invested in treatment you are the more your success rates increase.
CBT can help teach coping mechanisms for anxiety and depression?
True! CBT is excellent for teaching coping mechanisms for anxiety and depression.
Avoiding people and distancing yourself from friends
False! talk your friends they can often help
CBT relies on a good client, therapist relationship
CBT will give you a better understanding of yourself
True! you will learn about your thoughts, feeling, and how to understand them better
For a goal to be considered S.M.A.R.T it should be Specific Measurable Accomplished Realistic and Time-bound
False! it's Specific, Measurable, Achievable Realistic and Time-bound
Finding a bit of time every day for yourself
CBT aims to Teach the client to be their own therapist?
True! This helps to prevent relapse
CBT is effective for problem solving?
True! It helps you get to the root of the problem, and works to help you solve it
You should never question your therapist?
False! it's more beneficial and will aid in your treatment
Games can be a source of CBT?
True! we mentioned one earlier check out Finch, there are others out there
CBT can be as effective as Medication?
CBT is an easy process that takes little work
False! CBT frequently requires homework between sessions , and a lot of personal work, you may experiences times with increased anxiety before getting better
CBT aims to be effective within 6 months?
True! CBT treatment time aims to work between 3 - 6 months
It's best to keep your feeling bottled up?
False, many people have your back! there are always people you can reach out to!