General Info
Types of Thought Challenging
Defense Mechanisms
Cognitive Distortions
Mystery Questions

What does CBT stand for?

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy


In your own words, what is the purpose of thought challenging?

*Insert thought challenging definition*


What is the term that matches with the following definition? These are psychological strategies that we use to protect ourselves from discomfort with unpleasant thoughts and feelings, so that they are more tolerable.

Defense mechanisms


What is a cognitive distortion?

It is when our thoughts are not completely accurate, so they may result in feelings and actions that may not fit the facts. Everyone experiences this at times, but the key is to become aware of what they are and how we can cope with them.


What is the term that explains this definition? Beliefs we have about ourselves, others, the world, and our place in it. They are often formed in childhood and solidified over time because of one’s perception of their experiences. OR you can explain it as the lenses through which we see the world.

Core beliefs.


In the cognitive triangle, what are the three components represented?

Thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.


This type of thought-challenging is practiced by asking ourselves, “what is the evidence for this thought?” and “what is the evidence against this thought?”

3 possibilities: examining the evidence, putting thoughts on trial, opposite action


True or false: Defense mechanisms help us avoid thoughts/emotions that bother us.



True or false: Even though our emotions may not fit the facts at times because of cognitive distortions, our feelings are always valid.

True – however you feel about a situation is valid. It is important though to double check that we aren’t experiencing a cognitive distortion so that we can accurately understand the situation.


What is an example of a core belief?

*Insert personal example*


The purpose of the ABCs of rational thought is to help us understand our thought processes that lead to our actions, as well as show us where we can challenge unhelpful thoughts when they occur. If A stands for Activating Event, B stands for Belief, D stands for Dispute, and E stands for Effective New Belief/Action, what does C stand for?

Consequences (emotional & physical responses to thoughts)


What is the double-standard technique of thought-challenging?

You ask yourself, “Would I say this to a close friend who had a similar problem?” Tip: You can practice self-compassion with this technique by paying attention how you treat others when they are experiencing difficult times


What is the name of the defense mechanism that occurs when we are attributing our thoughts or feelings to someone else? For example, if you are angry with your friend, you might accuse them of being hostile, even if it’s not true/you don’t have evidence for this.



What does it mean to mind read?

It is when we believe we know what others are thinking without considering other, more likely possibilities.


True or false: Is DBT a form of CBT?



Explain in your own words what a cue/trigger is in CBT.

Experiences that cause us to have certain thoughts/feelings which in turn give way to behaviors (the behaviors have consequences)


How have you challenged an eating disorder thought before?

*Insert experience*


The following is an example of what defense mechanism? Clients with eating disorders sometimes may think or say, “I don’t need to be here because I’m not that sick.”



What is another name for all-or-nothing thinking?

Black-or-white thinking


What is behavioral activation?

It is when we use tasks/activities to reduce feelings of depression. The depression cycle may be reinforced by the distressing feelings and consequences caused by avoidant behaviors. When we experience the rewarding consequences and/or improvement in mood, it can help us feel motivated to continue engaging in rewarding behaviors, and then being less likely to get caught in the depressive cycle.


Share an experience where you noticed a trigger and describe how you were able to cope with it.

*Insert shared experience*


Reframing is a skill where we try to consider alternative perspectives for a situation in which we are experiencing a negative thought. We could ask ourselves, “How could I perceive this differently?” For example, a negative thought we might have could be, “I wasn’t able to meet 100% of my meal plan. I did poorly with recovery this week.” How could you reframe negative thoughts around not completing your meal plan?

*Insert thought* 


Rationalization happens when we try to explain away our own unacceptable behaviors or uncomfortable emotions. We are trying to create false, but believable excuses to justify our behavior. What is an example of this?

*Insert example*


One type of cognitive distortion is labeling, in which we use negative labels to describe ourselves and/or others. Why might this be harmful?

*Insert answer*


What is the difference between guilt and shame?

Guilt is an emotion that helps us understand when we’ve done something that was harmful/unacceptable. It motivates us to make amends for and/or change our behavior. Shame occurs when we tell ourselves WE are bad.
