What is an emergency code used to alert staff to an incident which is leading to the evacuation of staff and patients?
Personal Directive
What is a legal document which empowers a person to act as an agent on behalf of a client with respect to personal matters?
Safe water temperature
What is between 38 and 43 degrees Celsius?
Twice a day.
What is the minimum number of opportunities for client's to receive assistance with oral care?
What are the Continuing Care Health Service Standards?
What is the minimum legal requirements for all Operators providing publically funded health care must comply to?
Code Red
What is an emergency code used to alert personnel to smoke/fire and details the actions to be taken by staff and physicians to ensure the safety and security of themselves, their patients and visitors?
An agent
What is the name of the person who acts on your behalf when named in a personal directive
Twice a week
What is the minimum number of bathing opportunities for clients.
What is the minimum recommended amount of daily fluid intake for seniors?
Know your immunization status, point of care risk assessment, PPE, hand hygiene and safety engineered devices.
What is how do you protect yourself from Communicable diseases in the workplace?
Hand washing
What is a simple and effective practice that will reduce the spread of infection.
The Protection of Persons in Care Act
What is the legislation that guides the prevention and reporting of client abuse.
Oral care is no longer considered a grooming activity. It is considered this type of procedure.
What is an infection prevention procedure?
5% in one month and/or 10% in 6 months
What is the percentage of weight loss considered for malnutrition?
Must be obtained in a non-emergency situation or within 72 hours if it is an emergency.
What is the time frame for obtaining a doctor's order regarding restraints?
1. First Aid (Flush wound)
2. Report to WHS and Supervisor
3. Follow up with risk assessment, recommendations for post exposure prophylaxis and follow-up testing
What is the 3 things you must do following a needle stick injury to protect yourself?
What is the term given to a person or persons named to act on your behalf in your enduring power of attorney?
Report in MySafetyNet, tell your supervisor, seek medical assessment or allergy testing and contact your Occupational Health Nurse
What is the procedure if the skin on your hands becomes irritated from frequent hand washing/use of hand sanitizer or wearing gloves?
Coughing or choking, facial weakness, excessive drooling, wet/gurgly voice, pocketing food, spitting food out, prolonged chewing, refusing to eat and frequent pneumonia.
What are 3 signs of dysphagia?
A reportable incident
What is an unexpected or normally avoidable outcome that negatively affects a client such as a death or serious harm caused by an error or omission in the provision of health care or an unaccounted for client.
CDC, Occupational Health Nurse, Workplace Health and Safety and your manager or supervisor.
What is who monitors test results, notifies staff and supports you during an outbreak when multiple residents have flu, GI or other Communicable Disease symptoms?
Enduring power of attorney
What is the term given to a Power of Attorney when future events such as mentally incapable are specified in writing?
45 degrees
What is the best angle for brushing along the gum line?
Medical, Functional Status (ADLs), Economic, Oral Health, Social, Religious/Cultural, Psychological and Reduced Food Intake.
What is at least 3 risk factors that can affect an older adult's nutritional status?
At least every 2 hours
What is the length of time restrained patients can go before staff mobilize them, provide range of motion exercises and/or reposition the patient as well as release the restraint?