this is the highest grossing horror movie
It: chapter 1
name all of the main kids in jessie
Luke, Ravi, Emma, and Zuri
name the main power source on the car
when is my birthday( month, day, or year)
march, 09 2005
this animal can last several months without food
Jordan Belfort a.k.a the wolf on wall street
Rick an Morty has many characters who is known as "ricks best friend"
bird person
how many cars are produced per year( with 5 million)
60 million
what is my current dogs name
what is the longest a cat has lived( within 2 years)
38 years
in the " laugh it up fuzzball": trilogy(family guy) Stewie plays this character
Darth Vader
this person on the golden girls recently passed away at the age of 99
betty white
when was the fist car crash(within 5 years)
who is my favorite comedian
Bert Kreischer
this breed of dog is the mascot of mug root beer
these 2 characters are the only ones to be in every stars wars movies
C-3PO and R2D2
family guy is in its 21st season with that, what is the most hated episode in family guy history
the brian dies episode
when was the first electric car made( within 10 years)
whats my favorite nfl team
what kind of animal is known for flying at hyper speeds
a hummingbirds
there was only 1 bad guy in the toy story movies who was he
Lots-o'-Huggin' Bear
the Teletubby suit are how tall
the fastest street car in the world can go...
what is my favorite season(ex: summer winter fall spring)
New York state is home to what kind of animal