Who did David encounter in the cave?
King Saul
What was Saul's title?
The King of Israel.
Who was David's best friend?
Who were Goliath's people?
What lesson about leadership can we learn from David's decision in the cave?
To show mercy and respect authority.
What did David cut off of Saul's item?
A corner of Saul's robe.
Who was Saul pursuing in the desert?
What did David do for King Saul to comfort him?
He played the harp.
Why did the Israelites fear Goliath?
They feared him because he was a giant and a champion fighter for the Philistines.
What lesson can we learn from David's courage in facing Goliath?
We can learn that with faith in God we can overcome our fears and challenges.
Why did David feel guilty after cutting Saul's robe?
Because he had disrespected the Lord's anointed.
Why was Saul chasing David?
He was jealous and felt threatened by David.
What signal did Jonathan use to show David that it was NOT safe to return to King Saul's palace?
Jonathan shot arrows into the field and told his servant that the arrows were beyond him as a signal for David to flee.
Who did David kill with a sling and stones?
How did David's encounter with Saul in the cave reflect in his trust in God?
He chose not to harm Saul, believing God would judge between them.
What did David show Saul to prove he had spared his life?
The piece of the robe he had cut off.
What promise did Saul make to David after their encounter in the cave?
That David would surely become king and his kingdom would be established.
What was David's job before working for king Saul?
He was a shepherd for his father's flock.
What did King Saul offer to the person who could defeat Goliath?
Great wealth, his daughter in marriage, and exemption from taxes for his family.
Because vengeance belongs to God and acting in anger can lead to regret.
How did Saul react when David called out to him from the cave?
He cried and admitted that David was more righteous than he was.
How did Saul die? (Bonus history question)
He fell on his sword during a battle with the Philistines.
What did David write besides defeating Goliath and becoming King?
He wrote many of the Psalms found in the Bible.
How many stones did David pick up to use to fight Goliath?
What lesson can be learned from the friendship of David and Jonathan?
The value of true friendship and loyalty.