What bank do I use
bank of hawaii
How many bones have I broken
What state did I submit for my fake
What is my home screen picture
My friends and I at graduation
what type of milk do I drink everyday
skim milk
Name 4 Hawaiian Islands. (there are 7 in total)
Oahu, Maui, Kauai, the Big Island (Hawaii), Molokai, Lanai, and Niihau
how many pieces of pikake jewlery have I lost/broken during college
What bank do I use
Bank of Hawaii
I ran 2 different races at the state championship for track. what were the 2 races. (hint: one was a relay)
1500, and 4x800
True or false:
I own more lululemon leggings than jeans
How many times have I consumed alcohol on Hawaii (hint: less than 5)
What injury have I had over 5 different times
What drink did I get taken away from me from RA Andrew
High Noon
How many times have I been PROMposed to
how much did I pay for my trench coat
around $82
How much money (nearest $1000) did I spend on my grad party
0. I didnt have a grad party
What are the 2 brands of cars I drive at home, and which of them did I crash
I have a lexus, and a toyota. I crashed the lexus
I recently bought insulated bags for my mom from trader joes. How many bags did I buy
What is the weirdest part of a chicken I have eaten
Frozen Yorgurt
Tony has mentioned a resturant on Hawaii thats hes seen on Tiktok. What is that resturant called.
When I was 5, I cut my head open on ______.
box fan
How many colleges did I get into, and what was the decision for all said colleges.
Chapman (withdrew), Creighton (accepted) and Northeastern (accepted)
I had a haku lei when I graduate. Explain what a haku lei is and what color mine was at grad.
flower crown for head. Green.
What were the colors of my function dresses JUNIOR year
black/ pink