Naptime Ninjas
The ABCs of TLC
Hodge Podge
The Quest for Quality
Pros in Preschool

This group of young children receives extra attention in Washington’s child care licensing rules, with specific guidelines to ensure their well-being.

Who are infants and toddlers?


This is the name of Child Care Aware of Washingtons' Infant Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation program. 

What is Holding Hope?


This type of child care setting, often highlighted by Child Care Aware of America, is typically in a provider's home.

What is family child care?


Before undergoing formal evaluations, providers use this tool to evaluate their own practices.

What is a self-assessment tool?


Early Achievers emphasizes this ongoing process, offering training and workshops for child care providers.

What is professional development?


As of the most recent estimates, there are approximately this many children from birth to age 3 living in Washington State.

What is around 250,000 children?


IECMHC also focuses on involving this key group to ensure a comprehensive approach to addressing mental health in young children.

What are families or parents?


Washington State offers these subsidies to help families afford quality child care. 

What are Working Connections child care subsidies?


Early Achievers uses this type of analysis to shape policies and practices, ensuring continuous system improvement.

What is data-driven decision-making.


Washington State's Professional Development Academy training programs are primarily aimed at these professionals working with young children in Washington State.

Who are early childhood educators and child care providers?


FIND films these types of interactions to provide valuable insights into how caregivers can better support children's growth and learning.

What are caregiver-child interactions?

This is the key element to building adult capacity and skills to support the healthy social and emotional development of children. 

What is relationships?


This online tool, provided by Child Care Aware of Washington, helps parents find quality child care options in their area.

What is the Child Care Referral Database?


Early Achievers emphasizes this type of competence, encouraging providers to create inclusive environments for diverse backgrounds.

What is cultural competence?


This special type of training is provided by Child Care Aware of Washington to ensure child care centers are prepared for natural disasters and emergencies.

What is emergency preparedness training?


ASQ training includes information on how to administer and interpret these, which are used to monitor child development.

What are the Ages & Stages Questionnaires?


The primary goal of IECMHC's work is to achieve this outcome for children and providers in early childhood settings.

What is improved mental health and well-being?


Child Care Aware of America publishes an annual report detailing the cost of child care across the United States.

What is the "Child Care Aware Cost of Care Report"?


Providers are required to create and implement these plans based on their assessment results.

What are quality improvement plans?


Willie and Millie are these types of birds loved by the CCA of SW professional development team. 

What are Atlantic puffins?


The FIND program emphasizes these key areas of child development when analyzing and providing feedback on caregiver interactions.

What are social,emotional, and attachment needs of infants and toddlers. 


The funding for Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation (IECMHC) in Washington State is provided by this bill, which supports mental health services for young children.

What is the Early Start Act?


This program prepares children for kindergarten by encouraging social-emotional learning and building community in a school setting. 

What is 1-2-3 Grow and Learn?


QRIS systems were first developed in this decade to provide a standardized method for evaluating and improving the quality of early childhood programs.

What is the 2000s?


This core attribute is common throughout the PD team, making this small team mighty when it comes to original content creation. 

What is their love of research?
