Esports in Education
Esports Popularity and Impact
Mateo's Recycling Journey
Crab Spiders Camouflage
AI and Sustainability

The year over 8,600 high schools and about 175 colleges and universities added esports as an extracurricular activity.

  • a) 2015
  • b) 2018
  • c) 2020
  • d) 2022

b) 2018


The expected number of esports audience members by 2025.

  • a) 500 million
  • b) 640 million
  • c) 700 million
  • d) 800 million

b) 640 million 


The age Mateo was when he launched the community recycling program. 

  • a) 10
  • b) 11
  • c) 12
  • d) 15

b) 11


The province in China where environmental scientists observed the camouflaging crab spiders.

  • a) Sichuan Province
  • b) Yuan Province
  • c) Yunnan Province
  • d) Guangdong Province

b) Yuan Province


The Chilean plant-based food company that created a substitute for turtle soup.

  • a) Impossible Foods
  • b) Beyond Meat
  • c) NotCo
  • d) Human Material Loop

c) NotCo


The two factors credited for the shift in attitude towards esports in schools and universities.

  • a) Better technology and funding
  • b) Increasing popularity of esports and recognition of the potential benefits
  • c) Government mandates and parental pressure
  • d) Media coverage and celebrity endorsements

b) Increasing popularity of esports and recognition of the potential benefits


A high-pressure career that requires quick decision-making skills similar to those developed in esports.

  • a) Journalism
  • b) Medicine
  • c) Teaching
  • d) Architecture

b) Medicine


The reason Mateo started the recycling program.

  • a) To help his school
  • b) To clean up his neighborhood
  • c) To raise money for his baseball team
  • d) To save the environment

c) To raise money for his baseball team


The researchers who observed the male and female crab spider cooperation.

  • a) Shi-Mao Wu and Jiang-Yun Gao
  • b) Zsofia Kollar and Diego Oka
  • c) Juan José Alava and Kathleen Martin
  • d) Aerin Murphy and Alvaro Aragon

a) Shi-Mao Wu and Jiang-Yun Gao


The chef who collaborated with NotCo to create the vegan turtle soup.

  • a) Shi-Mao Wu
  • b) Diego Oka
  • c) Zsofia Kollar
  • d) Jiang-Yun Gao

b) Diego Oka


The types of schools that have recently embraced esports.

  • a) Elementary schools and high schools
  • b) High schools and universities
  • c) Universities and trade schools
  • d) Community colleges and middle schools

b) High schools and universities


The requirement most schools have for students to participate in school teams.

  • a) Students must participate in fundraisers
  • b) Students must maintain their academic standings
  • c) Students must complete community service hours
  • d) Students must attend summer school

b) Students must maintain their academic standings


The amount of money Mateo's recycling effort has raised since 2020.

  • a) $100,000
  • b) $250,000
  • c) $350,000
  • d) $500,000

c) $350,000


The part of the flower that the male crab spider mimicked.

  • a) Petals
  • b) Leaves
  • c) Pistils and stamens
  • d) Stem

c) Pistils and stamens


The AI program used by NotCo to analyze plant varieties.

  • a) AlphaGo
  • b) Watson
  • c) Giuseppe
  • d) DeepMind

c) Giuseppe


A key reason why esports can help students succeed in school.

  • a) It improves physical fitness
  • b) It helps kids who do not participate in traditional school sports or clubs to get more involved with the school community
  • c) It reduces screen time
  • d) It lowers academic standards

b) It helps kids who do not participate in traditional school sports or clubs to get more involved with the school community


One of the STEM-related careers that esports players often pursue.

  • a) Chef
  • b) Engineer
  • c) Lawyer
  • d) Musician

b) Engineer


The year Mateo was awarded the Gloria Barron Prize for Young Heroes.

  • a) 2020
  • b) 2021
  • c) 2022
  • d) 2023

d) 2023


The typical camouflage behavior of female crab spiders.

  • a) Digging burrows
  • b) Changing colors to match the flower on which they are sitting
  • c) Mimicking tree bark
  • d) Building webs in hidden locations

b) Changing colors to match the flower on which they are sitting


The amount of hair Human Material Loop aims to transform into fabric annually by 2034.

  • a) 100,000 tons
  • b) 250,000 tons
  • c) 550,000 tons
  • d) 1 million tons

c) 550,000 tons


An important skill developed through esports that is essential for both personal and professional success.

  • a) Cooking
  • b) Communication and teamwork
  • c) Gardening
  • d) Singing

b) Communication and teamwork


The reason why esports have become immensely profitable.

  • a) Increased government funding
  • b) Surge in both player participation and viewership
  • c) Decreased competition
  • d) Lower production costs

b) Surge in both player participation and viewership


The beverage container deposit amount in Michigan.

  • a) 5¢
  • b) 10¢
  • c) 15¢
  • d) 20¢

b) 10¢


The significance of the observed behavior of the male and female crab spiders.

  • a) First evidence of cooperative hunting
  • b) First evidence of cooperation mimicry in any species
  • c) First evidence of social hierarchy in spiders
  • d) First evidence of nocturnal activity in crab spiders
  • Answer: b) First evidence of cooperation mimicry in any species

  • b) First evidence of cooperation mimicry in any species

The significant benefit of using human hair as a biomaterial according to Zsofia Kollar. 

  • a) It requires no special equipment to process
  • b) It requires no land, water, or resources to produce and saves thousands of tons of hair from ending up in landfills annually
  • c) It is easier to dye than other materials
  • d) It is naturally waterproof

b) It requires no land, water, or resources to produce and saves thousands of tons of hair from ending up in landfills annually
