Where/how do we locate the deductible on a file?
What is on file under Vehicle Details or on the Estimate 01 (Damage Estimate).
When Payoff amount fields are inputted and submitted.
What is Payoff Amount Submitted.
Lien Request Received
What is Request needs to be assigned to user.
Two things to do before finishing a file
What is change status to "LOG Requested" or "Request Additional Information" AND Update overdue by date
In the case of leased vehicle with no payoff amount ACV or settlement amount is reflected on the LOG.
What is true
A legal document that proves that the lender has the right to take possession of the vehicle if the borrower fails to make payments.
What is a lein.
where do you validate the adjusters information
What is the combined template
Additional Information Received
What is send out Letter of Guarantee LOG with information provided by the Insurance Carrier.
What is CCC email address
Payoff amount is $23265.21, settlement amount is $19478.12.
What is negative equity.
The document is also known as "the one-stop shop"?
What is the "combined template"
It is not the amount the owner paid for the vehicle when it was purchased or the amount of the Loan.
What is the ACV.
Lien Request Complete
What is no further action is needed.
Should be included in the post call notes-mandatory
What is outbound calls noting template, VIN or Account # on the payoff check.
Explain per diem
What is daily interest accumulated
2 things done when reviewing a file
What is (check if the deductible is waived, if vehicle is leased, the status)
The lender is non-efficient, what is the maximum days for LOG TAT?
What is 5 business days.
LOG Requested
What is wait for the LOG to be sent from the lender.
Vehicle collateral
What is the year, make, and model of vehicle.
This is done after pay-off received.
What is update lein.
What information should you leave on a voicemail if the lender is busy or closed?
What is your name, the Insurance company you are calling on behalf of, telephone number, and claim number.
When the lender is closed or busy, leave a voicemail once per day for 2 days calling once daily.
What is false.
Payoff Amount Submitted
What is send LOG with information obtained from the lender and await the return of the LOG from the Lender
settlement breakdown components
What is any 3 of (ACV, sales tax, deductible, title fee, additional fees, Registration Fee)
ccc main goal
What is to get the payoff details