Patient ID
Site Selection

Before a blood collector obtains blood, they must have:

1. a requisition

2. an organized phlebotomy tray

3. a photo ID

4. written consent

What is a requisition

The maximum time a tourniquet should be applied is: 

What is 1 minute


The vein of choice for venipuncture is the:

1. basilic

2. cephalic

3. median cubital

4. radial

What is median cubital


To prevent a vein from rolling during the puncture, the vein must be:

1. rigid

2. close to the surface

3. anchored

4. deep

What is anchored 


The recommended way to identify a patient is to:

1. ask the patient if her name is Jane Jones

2. go by the name on the patient's door

3. compare the requisition and the arm band

4. compare the requisition, patient ID band, and stated name

What is compare the requisition, patient ID band, and stated name


A properly applied tourniquet:

1. Impedes arterial blood flow

2. Impedes venous blood flow

3. Prevents detection of a radial pulse

4. Produces petechiae

What is Impedes venous blood flow


Vein palpation is best performed using the: 

1. index finger of the dominant hand

2. index finger of the nondominant hand

3. Thumb of the dominant hand

4. Two fingers of the nondominant hand

What is index finger of the nondominant hand


The needle is inserted:

1. bevel up at a 15- to 30-degree angle

2. bevel down at a 25-to 40 degree angle

3. bevel up at a 25-to 40 degree angle

3. bevel down at a 15- to 30-degree angle

What is bevel up at a 15- to 30-degree angle


Information on a patient's ID band must include:

1. patient's name

2. hospital ID number

3. date of birth

4. all are correct

What is all are correct


Prior to reapplying a tourniquet, it should be left off for:

1. 1 minute

2. 2 minutes

3. 3 minutes

4. 4 minutes

What is 2 minutes


Which veins should not be used?

1. veins in the anticubital fossa

2. veins in the back of the hand

3. veins in the underside of the wrist

4. veins in the lower arm

What is veins in the underside of the wrist


After the needle is inserted into the vein, the:

1. tube holder is changed to the other hand

2. tourniquet is immediately released

3. puncturing hand is braced against the patient's arm

4. thumb of the other hand is placed over the needle

What is puncturing hand is braced against the patient's arm


A blood collector using a bar code reader for identification scans the:

1. Patients wrist band

2. Requisition

3. Tube labels

4. Patient's room number

What is patient's wrist band


The tourniquet is placed:

1. 1 to 2 inches above the puncture site

2. 2 to 3 inches above the puncture site

3. 3 to 4 inches above the puncture site

4. 4 to 5 inches above the puncture site

What is  3 to 4 inches above the puncture site


When a suitable vein is located, palpation is used to determine:

1. size, depth, and flexibility

2. rigidity, size, and depth

3. size, rigidity, and direction

4. direction, size and depth

What is direction, size and depth 

The first thing to do when the last tube has filled is:

1. place gauze over the puncture site

2. remove the last tube from the holder

3. remove the needle from the arm

4. put pressure on the gauze and remove the needle

What is remove the last tube from the holder
