What is our favorite color?
Ms. Nataly - Blue, purple, black, or white
Ms. Ava - Orange
Are we in middle school or high school?
We are in high school!
How many sisters do we have?
Ms. Nataly - I have 2 sisters!
Ms. Ava - I have 1 sister!
What is our hair color?
Ms. Nataly - Brown!
Ms. Ava - Blonde!
Do we have TikTok?
We both do have TikTok!
What is our favorite food?
Ms. Nataly - Burgers or Fruit
Ms. Ava - Pasta
We are 14 years old!
How many brothers do we have?
Ms. Nataly - I have 1 brother!
Ms. Ava - I have 1 brother! Fun fact: I have only met him once!
What is our eye color?
Ms. Nataly - Brown!
Ms. Ava - Blue!
Do we like to read?
Ms. Nataly - I like to read!
Ms. Ava - I love to read!
What is our favorite animal?
Ms. Nataly - Owls, Butterflies, and Dolphins
Ms. Ava - Penguins and Butterflies
What grade are we in?
We are in 9th grade!
How many pets do we have?
Ms. Nataly - I have 2 pets!
Ms. Ava - I have 2 pets!
How tall are we?
Ms. Nataly - 5'2!
Ms. Ava - About 5'3!
What is our favorite subject?
Ms. Nataly - ELA/Reading and Writing!
Ms. Ava - Writing!
What is our favorite Disney princess, villain, or character?
Ms. Nataly - Mulan, Belle, or Tiana
Ms. Ava - Rapunzel is my favorite princess and Artie from Cruella is my second favorite character.
When is our birthday?
Ms. Nataly - August 29th
Ms. Ava - March 28th
What kind of pets do we have?
Ms. Nataly - I have 2 birds named Sasha and Felix!
Ms. Ava - I have a hamster named Big Mac and a dog named Molly!
What is our go-to nail color?
Ms. Nataly - Glitter, White
Ms. Ava - Black
Do we do sports? If so, which ones?
Ms. Nataly - Yes! I am a Second Degree Black Belt!
Ms. Ava - Yes! I am a Junior Black Belt in Karate!