What is Penance?
A sacrament where we confess our sins and receive forgiveness.
What are sacraments?
Sacred rituals that help us grow in faith.
What is the Mass?
A celebration of the Eucharist in the Catholic Church.
What is the 7th Commandment?
You shall not steal
What is the 8th Commandment?
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
What is the purpose of Reconciliation?
To restore our relationship with God.
Name one sacrament.
Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, etc.
Name one part of the Mass.
Liturgy of the Word, Liturgy of the Eucharist, etc
What does the 7th Commandment teach us?
It teaches us to respect others' property.
What does the 8th Commandment teach us?
It teaches us to be truthful and not to lie.
Name one way to prepare for Reconciliation.
By examining our conscience.
Why are sacraments important?
They are channels of grace from God.
What do we do during the Liturgy of the Word?
We listen to readings from the Bible.
Give an example of stealing?
Taking something that doesn’t belong to you
What is gossip?
Talking about someone else in a hurtful or untrue way.
What is a sin?
An act that goes against God's laws.
How does Confirmation fit into the sacraments?
It is a sacrament that strengthens our faith.
Why is the Eucharist important in Mass?
It is the source and summit of our Christian life.
How can we show respect for others' belongings?
By asking permission before using their things.
How can we avoid spreading false information?
By checking facts before sharing.
How can we show we are sorry for our sins?
By sincerely apologizing and trying to do better.
What is the sacrament of Eucharist?
It is the sacrament where we receive the body and blood of Christ.
How do we participate in Mass?
By praying, singing, and receiving the sacraments.
Why is honesty important in relation to the 7th Commandment?
Honesty builds trust and respect.
Why should we tell the truth?
It helps us build trust and keep our relationships strong.