How many days after Jesus' death was it before he resurrected?
A cross with a figure of Jesus on it.
What book of the bible tells the story of creation?
This person was Immaculately conceived.
Virgin Mary was conceived without original sin.
This sign represents God's covenant to never destroy the earth again be flood.
How many choirs of angels are there?
(Angels, Archangels, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Dominations, Throne, Cherubim and Seraphim)
Blessed Water used in ritual sprinkling or when making the Sign of the Cross as a reminder of Baptism.
Holy Water
The most recent Pope to be canonized as a saint.
St. Pope John Paul II
We begin every mass by doing this.
Making the sign of the cross
What is the number of Hail Mary's are prayed during the Rosary?
The Real Presence of God, Jesus Christ, body and blood, under the appearance of bread and wine.
The Eucharist
God and Jesus are the protagonists of the bible. Who is the antagonist?
He is the official that presided over the trial of Jesus and ultimately ordered his crucifixion.
Pontius Pilate
What Holy Day of Obligation was just celebrated?
All Saints Day is Celebrated November 1st.
How many days is lent?
The free and undeserved gift of God’s loving and active presence in the universe and in our lives.
Who is identified as the first catholic pope generally during the bible?
Saint Peter
Saint known as "The little Flower".
St. Theresa of Lisieux
It is the reason we as humans are all flawed.
Original Sin
How many books are in the Catholic Bible?
In Catholic usage, a collective term referring to all those ordained—bishops, priests and deacons—who administer the rites of the church
Old Testament.
Even though he did not write any Gospels, he is still known as the person most responsible for spreading Christianity throughout the mediterranean region.
He converted to Christianity on the road to Damascus.
Saint Paul
Book that contains all the teachings of the Catholic Church.
*It is not called The Bible*
The Catechism of the Catholic Church