What is the sacraments of new life?
The first three commandments are about who and what?
God and how to love him
What is the object that holds the water and wind called?
The cruets
What prayer do you pray in the confession room?
Act of contrition
Name all 7 sacraments
Baptism Reconciliation/confession
Marriage Anointing of the sick
Communion Confirmation
Holy orders
What is the sacraments of holy Eucharist/ first communion?
Receiving Jesus Christ/ thanksgiving
Being envy of others is which commandment?
You should not covet your neighbors wife
Who are the 4 book that we can listen to in the gospel?
Who can act as a God so that you can confess your sins.
The priest
What does penance and reconciliation mean?
God forgives us for our sins
You become what through the sacrament of holy orders?
Religion life
Explain what the 8th commandment is? In your own words
Don’t gossip
Don’t lie
Don’t talk bad on others
What is the object that holds the consecrated Eucharist called?
The Tabernacle
What are the three penance that a father can give you?
Act of service/community service
To sacrifice something
How long is the season of lent?
40 days
In the sacrament of marriage you become what with Jesus?
How long did it take Moses to get the 10 Commandments?
He spent 40 days and 40 nights
Which is the MOST important part of the mass called?
Liturgy of the Eucharist
Who starts off confession?
You do. with the sign of the cross!
Name 3 fruit of the Holy Spirit
Love, Joy, peace, patients, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control
What are the 3 TYPES of sacraments?
1. Initiation
2. Healing
3. Service
The 1st commandment says to NOT idolize other gods.
What are some examples now?
Phone Family/friends
Food Videos games
Sports Other “gods”
What are the 4 parts of the mass called
Introductory rites
Liturgy of the word
Liturgy of the Eucharist
Concluding rites
Out of the five steps of making a good confession, how many do you use inside the confession room?
Which ones are they?
Expressed sorrow, confess your sins, receive absolution
The 4 marks of the Catholic Church
One, holy, Catholic, apostolic