Screen Time
In the Classroom
Outdoor Play
Off Site Activities

True/False: Children under 17 months are not allowed any screen time.

True! At Adventure Time we don’t allow screen time for 24 mo old or younger, with limited times available to children older than 24 mo.


True/ False: Toys should be out of reach of children 

False! The provider shall ensure that toys, materials, and equipment needed to support children's healthy development are available to the children.


True or False: Daily activities should include outdoor play as weather and air quality allow

True! Refer to weather and AQI handouts/website when you have inquiries 


True/False: Written parent permission is required for each off-site activity

True! The provider must receive parent’s written consent before each activity. In advance of each offsite activity, the provider must inform parents of the following: Where the children will be going, including any alternative or backup locations, The day and time they will be offsite, How the children will get there and back.


Why do we discourage screen time, particularly for kids younger than 2?

The first 2 years are critical periods for child brain and body development. Screen time has been linked to these negative health effects: 

  • Lack of adequate sleep
  • Obesity
  • Substance Abuse
  • Behavioral problems
  • Decreased school performance
  • Loss of social skills
  • Less time for essential play
  • Violence

True or False: Providers are required to offer activities that support only one of the developmental domains daily. 

False! The provider shall offer daily activities that support each child's healthy physical, social, emotional, cognitive, and language development.


Fill in the blanks: The provider shall ensure that physical development activities include light, moderate, and vigorous physical activity for a daily total of at least ___ minutes for every ___ hours children spend in the program.

15 minutes; 2 hours


What are the ratio rules for an off-site activity?

At ratio, the caregiver number doubles


What is the correct amount of time a class of 4 year olds can have screen time while at childcare?

One hour a day


When I don’t have enough supplies in my classroom for kids to play with or do activities I can use my ________ __________

Class funds!


Fill in the blank: Children must wear a jacket if the temperature is less than ____ degrees.

70 degrees!


True/False: names of the children can be visible on shirts, bags, name tags, hats, etc. 

False! This is for the protection of each child. Do not allow their name to be visible to the public eye.


In compliance or not: I can show an exercise video to get kids moving!

In compliance! 


Daily activities should support 5 developmental domains. What are the names of these domains?

Physical, Cognitive, Social, Emotional, Language Development


On the playground, caregivers should_____ to prevent injury and incidents

Engage in play with kids



What are 4 things that should be brought on every field trip?

- first aid kit, emergency contact info for each child, hand sanitizer, field trip stickers or AT tees


If you want to use a video during class, what are the proper steps to follow?

-Include in your lesson plans an get it approved by the office

- when possible, make it relevant to the weekly theme and educational

-if you are showing a movie, notify parents a week before

-follow the appropriate time allotment for your class age group


List an example of light, moderate, and vigorous physical activity you can do inside the classroom. (Vigorous activity may be an activity outside of the classroom)

Light: building with large blocks, rolling cars around on the floor

Moderate: movement songs/games, yoga

Vigorous: running, climbing, sports


Which one of the following is false concerning hosting a water day at Adventure Time:1. the parent gives permission before their child in care uses the pool2. caregivers watch from a distance when a child is in the pool or has access to the pool, and when an accessible pool has water in it 3. diapered children wear swim diapers when they are in the pool 4. wading pools are emptied and sanitized after use by each group of children

2! Active supervision, and having kids within arms reach, is required for the safety of the children


If you choose to take your class on a spontaneous walking field trip, what 3 things must you do? 

For occasional, spontaneous, walking activities, prior written parental permission is not required if: 

  • The children are offsite for no longer than 60 minutes.
  • The activity is kept within ½ mile of the facility.
  • Parents are informed by the provider about the times they are leaving and will return, where they will be going, and the route they will take to and from that location.