normal body temperature
98.6 F
What is 1800 in military time?
What is the systolic pressure?
top number, heart contracts
bradypnea- what is it and give me an example of a number that would be considered it
slow breathing-below 12
Who would I see if I had diabetes?
what number is considered pyrexia
Give 2 examples of subjective examples
headache, fatigue, pain, nausea, itching
What is the diastolic pressure?
bottom number, heart relaxes
tachypnea-what is it and give me an example of a number that would be considered it
fast breathing- over 20
Who would I see if I have anaphylaxis to peanuts or seasonal allergies?
allergist- immune issues
normal Sp02 range
Give 3 examples of objective
hypertension, obesity, red rash, swollen leg, fever
What artery do you use for blood pressure?
orthopnea- what position would be key?
difficulty breathing when they are not sitting up
Who would I see if I am autistic and have trouble with my fine motor skills or activities of daily living?
Occupational therapist
What is considered elevated BP?
What is orthostatic hypotension?
blood pressure dropping when you change positions like from laying to sitting or sitting to standing
What is considered stage 1 HTN?
can't see far away, nearsighted, Snellen chart, 20/20
If I am a male with erectile dysfunction, what specialist would I see?
What is considered stage 2 HTN?
Name 4 examples of demographic information
Name, DOB, address, insurance information, email, phone, etc.
feel radial pulse, inflate BP cuff, note the number when you feel pulse disappear, add 30 to that number, when you deflate cuff feel for when pulse returns and that's their systolic.
hives, red itchy raised spots
If I have eczema, what specialist would I see?