Which Disney character sings the song “How Far I’ll Go”?
How many players are there in the field in slow pitch?
What does FIFA stand for in soccer?
Federation international Football Association
What is the animal called that you can ride in mario and luigi?
Which fruit was intended to poison Snow White?
An apple
Which base is opposite to the home plate?
2nd base
How long is an international soccer match?
90 mins
____ _____ Buccaneers come from which city in Florida
Tampa Bay
What is the game with a gorilla climbing different levels to get the top?
Donky Kong
What does Rapunzel want to see on her birthday in Tangled?
The floating lantern
How many outfielders are there in a slow pitch game?
What do Arsenal fans call themselves?
The New England _______
Packman 2nd level is what color?
What are the three things needed to fly, according to Peter Pan? (think something tinkerbell says)
Faith trust and pixie dust
A batter is out after how many strikes?
How many players are on a field per team in soccer?
Kansas City
Fortnite has what currency to use?
What are Riley’s five emotions in Inside Out?
Joy, sadness, anger, fear, and disgust.
What shape is the playing field called?
A diamond
In soccer, a player is ________when they are in the opponent's half of the field and closer to the opponent's goal than the ball and the second-to-last opponent.
off sides
______ _______ Packers
Green bay
What is the game called where the frog runs across traffic to get to the other side safely?