DSOP Appendices
Acert Handover
Close Contacts

This is where you find the follow-up process for school cases

What is Appendix M?


Paul had a fever and cough starting on May 14 and tested positive May 15. This is his isolation lift date (assuming symptoms have resolved).

What is May 25?

(DSOP Section 4 pg 14)


This is the CDOM section where the details of your call with the DI should be charted, including no red flags for calling 911, the isolation lift date, and the resources provided

Where is in the Contact Attempts section on the Intervention tab?

(Covid-19 DI User Guide pg 25)


This is when you should select the status "First Call Attempted"

What is after making a call and getting no answer?

(Documentation Guide: Acert Handover pg. 1)


After discussing quarantine requirements for a child during their parent's case investigation, this status should be selected in the child's entry on the contact tracing portal

What is Manual Call Completed?

(Documentation Guide: Contact Tracing Portal pg. 5)


This is where you find the follow-up process for work site/work camp cases

What is Appendix I?


Anna tested positive May 14 while asymptomatic during routine testing at her workplace, then developed a cough and fever on May 15. This is her isolation lift date (assuming symptoms have resolved).

What is May 26?

(DSOP Section 4 pg 14)


When filling in the Interpretation tab, this person should be epi-linked if applicable

Who is the index case/exposure source

(Covid-19 DI User Guide pg. 28)


This group of people is our number 1 triage priority

Who are healthcare workers?

(Documentation Guide: Acert Handover pg. 3)


We create this for contacts who are OOP/OOC or in the military

What is a CI?

(DSOP Section 2)


This is where you find the follow-up process for international travelers

What is Appendix P?


Ahmed had his second vaccination shot May 2 and had lunch with a friend on May 20. The friend developed symptoms and tested positive on May 21. This is the number of days Ahmed needs to quarantine as long as he is asymptomatic.

What is zero?

(Quarantine after Immunization process updates, May 21/22)


This note goes at the bottom of the intervention tab if you are NOT completing an MOH/SHE notification

What is "Case does not meet escalation criteria. MOH/SHE notification not required."?

(DSOP Appendix G pg. 1)


This is the person who should be making changes to Acert to pick up family members' cases

Who is the team admin?


You should always ask these two things before creating a new entry for a DI in the Contact Tracing Portal

What is ask if they have entered their own contacts using the online Close Contact tool and if they use the Alberta Trace Together app?

(Comprehensive Script pg. 12)


This is where you find the follow-up process for AHS/Covenant Health Care Workers

What is Appendix F?


This is where you can find the criteria and email addresses to make an isolation hotel referral

What is in the Contact Info folder on Acert, under "Difficulty with Home Isolation"?


This Process Status should be selected on the Summary page if the DI has not yet reached their isolation lift date

What is Under Investigation?

(Covid-19 DI User Guide pg. 29)

These four pieces of information should be in all handover notes

What are date, time, name, designation?

(Documentation Guide: Acert Handover pg. 3)


These two groups of contacts need a manual call from the investigation team

Who are high-risk workplace close contacts and household contacts?

(Documentation Guide: Contact Tracing Portal pg. 5)


This is where you find the follow-up process for a client who has not answered the phone on three separate days

What is Appendix K?


A client who traveled abroad in Mexico, developed symptoms and tested positive 3 days after returning needs to isolate for this many days after SOD

What is 14?

(DSOP Appendix P pg 2)


If the DI had no activities outside work/school and home during incubation or communicability, do this

What is put a note at the bottom of the assessment tab stating no activities?

(Covid-19 DI User Guide pg. 24)


There should be no Acert entries left with these two statuses at the end of the shift unless the case has been directly handed over to another investigator

What are Successful Call and First Call Attempted?


These two groups of contacts need a manual call from the CFU team

Who are non-household symptomatic contacts and HCW who are social contacts (not contacted in a healthcare setting)?

(Documentation Guide: Contact Tracing Portal pg. 5)
